Page 50 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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Liabilities         Amount                 Assets              Amount
                     Trade Payables             1,00,000   Land & Buildings                10,00,000
                                                           Inventories                     1,50,000

        1.  It may be assumed that the inventory is still unsold on balance sheet date and the Trade Payables are
            also not yet settled.
        2.  Also assume that the Other Reserves of both the companies as on 31st March 20X2 are the same as
            was on 1st April 20X1.
        3.  All fair value adjustments have not yet started impacting consolidated post-acquisition profits.

        4.  Investment in XYZ Ltd is carried at cost in the separate financial statements of DEF Ltd.
        5.  Appreciation of Rs.10 lakhs in land & buildings is entirely attributable to land element only.
        6.  Depreciation on plant and machinery is on WDV method.
        7.  Acquisition-date fair value adjustment to inventories of XYZ Ltd. existing at the balance sheet date does
            not result in need for any write-down.

        Prepare consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 20X2.
        Consolidated Balance Sheet of DEF Ltd. and its subsidiary, XYZ Ltd. as on 31st March, 20X2

                                          Particulars                      Note No.        Rs.
                     I.     Assets
                     (1)    Non-current assets
                     (i)    Property Plant & Equipment                         1        86,00,000
                     (2)    Current Assets
                     (i)    Inventories                                       2          17,14,000

                     (ii)   Financial Assets
                     (a)  Trade Receivables                                   3          9,98,000
                     (b) Cash & Cash equivalents                              4          2,25,000
                     Total Assets                                                       1,15,37,000
                     II.    Equity and Liabilities
                     (1)    Equity
                     (i)    Equity Share Capital                              5          50,00,000

                     (ii)   Other Equity                                      6         49,92,000
                     (2)    Current Liabilities
                     (i)    Financial Liabilities
                     (a) Trade Payables                                        7         7,45,000
                     (b) Short term borrowings                                8          8,00,000
                     Total Equity & Liabilities                                         1,15,37,000

        Notes to Accounts
                       1.  Property Plant & Equipment
                          Land & Building                                   43,00,000
                          Plant & Machinery (W.N. 7)                        43,00,000     86,00,000
                       2.  Inventories
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