Page 3 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 3


        a)  Points earned on Rs 10,00,000 @ 10 points on every Rs 500 = [(10,00,000/500) x 10] = 20,000 points.

        Value of points = 20,000 points x Rs 0.5 each point = Rs 10,000

        Total of standalone values of both the components = 10,00,000+10,000 = 10,10,000
        Actual consideration = 10,00,000.  Hence, proportionate consideration is as follows -
               Revenue recognized for sale of goods    Rs 9,90,099       [10,00,000 x (10,00,000/10,10,000)]
               Revenue for points deferred               Rs 9,901         [10,00,000 x (10,000/10,10,000)]

                                                      Journal Entry
                                                                                   Rs          Rs
                     Bank A/c                                             Dr    10,00,000
                     To Sales A/c                                                            9,90,099
                     To Liability under Customer Loyalty programme                            9,901

        b)  Points earned on Rs. 50,00,00,000 @ 10 points on every Rs.500 = [(50,00,00,000/500) x 10] = 1,00,00,000

                            Value of points = 1,00,00,000 points x Rs0.5 each point = Rs50,00,000

        Total of standalone values of both the components = 50,00,00,000+50,00,000 = 50,50,00,000
        Actual consideration = 50,00,00,000.  Hence, proportionate consideration is as follows -

        Revenue recognized for sale of goods = Rs. 49,50,49,505
        [50,00,00,000 x (50,00,00,000 / 50,50,00,000)]

        Revenue for points = Rs49,50,495 [50,00,00,000x (50,00,000 / 50,50,00,000)]

        Total liability = 49,50,495 for 1,00,00,000 points. Out of this, 82,00,000 points will be redeemed in 17-18 and
        remaining 18,00,000 in 18-19 & 19-20.
        As per company expectations, only 80% of remaining points will be redeemed
        .i.e. 80% x 18,00,000 = 14,40,000 points.
        Therefore, the liability of 49,50,495 is actually for 96,40,000 points only (82,00,000 + 14,40,000) and not

        1,00,00,000 points.

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