Page 6 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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(b)  The contract has been terminated and the consideration received from the customer is non-refundable.
           Para 16 states that an entity shall recognise the consideration received from a customer as a liability until
           one  of  the  events  in  paragraph  15  occurs  or  until  the  criteria  in  paragraph  9  are  subsequently  met.

           Depending on the facts and circumstances relating to the contract, the liability recognised represents the
           entity‖s obligation to either transfer goods or services in the future or refund the consideration received. In
           either case, the liability shall be measured at the amount of consideration received from the customer.
           In accordance with the above, in the given case G Ltd. should account for the non- refundable deposit of
           Rs.1,00,000 payment as a deposit liability as none of the events described in paragraph 15 have occurred—

           that  is,  neither  the  entity  has  received  substantially  all  of  the  consideration  nor  it  has  terminated  the
           contract.  Consequently,  in  accordance  with  paragraph  16,  G  Ltd.  will  continue  to  account  for  the  initial
           deposit as well as any future payments of principal and interest as a deposit liability until the criteria in
           paragraph 9 are met (i.e. the entity is able to conclude that it is probable that the entity will collect the
           consideration) or one of the events in paragraph 15 has occurred. Further, G Ltd. will continue to assess

           the  contract  in  accordance  with  paragraph  14  to  determine  whether  the  criteria  in  paragraph  9  are
           subsequently met or whether the events in paragraph 15 of Ind AS 115 have occurred.

        Q3. (MAY 20)

        Entity I sells a piece of machinery to the customer for Rs 2 million, payable in 90 days. Entity I is aware at
        contract  inception  that  the  customer  might  not  pay  the  full  contract  price.  Entity  I  estimates  that  the
        customer will pay at least Rs 1.75 million, which is sufficient to cover entity I's cost of sales (Rs 1.5 million)

        and which entity I is willing to accept because it wants to grow its presence in this market. Entity I granted
        similar price concessions in comparable contracts.
        Entity  I  concludes  that  it  is  highly  probable  that  it  will  collect  Rs  1.75  million,  and  such  amount  is  not
        constrained under the variable consideration guidance.
        What is the transaction price in this arrangement?

        Entity I is likely to provide a price concession and accept an amount less than Rs 2 million in exchange for
        the  machinery.  The  consideration  is  therefore  variable.  Entity  I  can  also  conclude  that  the  collectability

        threshold  is  met  for  Rs  1.75  million  and  therefore  the  contract  exists.  The  transaction  price  in  this
        arrangement is Rs 1.75 million, as this is the amount which Entity I expects to receive after providing the
        concession and it is not constrained under the variable consideration guidance.

        Q4. (MAY 20)

        On  1  January  20x8,  entity  J  enters  into  a  one-year  contract  with  a  customer  to  deliver  water  treatment
        chemicals. The contract stipulates that the price per container will be adjusted retroactively once the customer

        reaches certain sales volume, defined, as follows:
                                 Price per container          Cumulative sales volume
                                       Rs 100                  1 - 1,000,000 containers
                                       Rs 90               1,000,001 - 3,000,000 containers
                                       Rs 85                3,000,001 containers and above

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