Page 8 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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Management expects that it will offer a price decrease of 5% during the price protection period. Management
        concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur if estimates

        How should the manufacturer determine the transaction price?

        The transaction price is Rs 950, because the expected reimbursement is Rs 50 (5% x 1,000). The expected
        payment to the retailer is reflected in the transaction price at contract inception, as that is the amount of
        consideration to which the manufacturer expects to be entitled after the price protection. The manufacturer
        will  recognise  a  liability  for  the  difference  between  the  invoice  price  and  the  transaction  price,  as  this
        represents the cash that it expects to refund to the retailer. The manufacturer will update its estimate of

        expected reimbursement at each reporting date until the uncertainty is resolved.

        Q7. (NOV 20)

        A contractor enters into a contract with a customer to build an asset for Rs. 1,00,000, with a performance
        bonus of Rs. 50,000 that will be paid based on the timing of completion. The amount of the performance
        bonus  decreases  by  10%  per  week  for  every  week  beyond  the  agreed-upon  completion  date.  The  contract
        requirements are similar to those of contracts that the contractor has performed previously, and management

        believes that such experience is predictive for this contract. The contractor concludes that the expected value
        method is most predictive in this case.
        The contractor estimates that there is a 60% probability that the contract will be completed by the agreed-
        upon completion date, a 30% probability that it will be completed one week late, and a 10% probability that it
        will be completed two weeks late.
        Determine the transaction price.

        The transaction price should include management‖s estimate of the amount of consideration to which the

        entity will be entitled for the work performed.
                    Probability-weighted                                               Consideration
                    Rs.1,50,000(fixed fee plus full performance bonus) x 60%             Rs.90,000
                    Rs.1,45,000 (fixed fee plus 90% of performance bonus) x 30%          Rs.43,500
                    Rs.1,40,000 (fixed fee plus 80% of performance bonus) x 10%          Rs.14,000
                    Total probability-weighted consideration                            Rs.1,47,500

        The total transaction price is Rs. 1,47,500, based on the probability-weighted estimate. The contractor will
        update its estimate at each reporting date.

        Q8. (MAY 21)

        A  manufacturer  gives  warranties  to  the  purchasers  of  its  goods.  Under  the  terms  of  the  warranty,  the
        manufacturer undertakes to make good, by repair or replacement, manufacturing defects that become apparent
        within three years from the date of sale to the purchasers.
        On 30 April 20X1, a manufacturing defect was detected in the goods manufactured by the entity between 1
        March 20X1 and 30 April 20X1.

        At 31 March 20X1 (the entity‖s reporting date), the entity held approximately one week‖s sales in inventories.
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