Page 4 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 4

Journal Entries in the year 2017-18
                                                                       Rs              Rs
                          Bank A/c                           Dr.   50,00,00,000
                           To Sales A/c                                            49,50,49,505
                           To Liability under Customer Loyalty                      49,50,495
                           programme A/c
                          (On sale of Goods)

                          Liability under Customer Loyalty   Dr.     42,11,002
                          programme A/c
                           To Sales A/c                                             42,11,002
                          (On redemption of 82 lakhs points)

        Revenue to be recognised with respect to discounted point = 49,50,495 x (82,00,000/96,40,000) = 42,11,002
              (being proportionate revenue for 82,00,000 points redeemed in 17-18)
        c)  Revenue  to  be  deferred  with  respect  to  undiscounted  point  in  2017-2018=  49,50,495  –  42,11,002  =


        d)  In 2018-2019, KK Ltd. would recognize revenue for discounting of 60% of outstanding points as follows:
            Outstanding points = 18,00,000 x 60% = 10,80,000 points

            Total points discounted till date = 82,00,000 + 10,80,000 = 92,80,000 points
            Revenue to be recognized in the year 2018-2019 = [{49,50,495 x (92,80,000 / 96,40,000)} - 42,11,002] =
            Rs 5,54,620.
                                           Journal Entry in the year 2018-2019
                                                                                  Rs          Rs
                      Liability under Customer Loyalty programme        Dr.     5,54,620
                      To Sales A/c
                      (On redemption of further 10,80,000 points                           5,54,620

        The  Liability  under  Customer  Loyalty  programme  at  the  end  of  the  year  2018-2019  will  be  Rs7,39,493  –
        5,54,620 = 1,84,873.

        e)  In the year 2019-2020, the merchant will recognize the balance revenue of Rs1,84,873 irrespective of the

            points redeemed as this is the last year for redeeming the points. Journal entry will be as follows:

                                           Journal Entry in the year 2019-2020
                                                                         Rs                   Rs
                     Liability under Customer Loyalty programme          Dr.    1,84,873
                       To Sales A/c                                                         1,84,873
                     (On redemption of further 10,80,000 points)

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