Page 35 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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        Note:  For  simplification  purposes,  the  table  calculates  revenue  for  the  year  independently  based  on  costs
        incurred during the year divided by total expected costs, with the assumption that total expected costs do not

                  Particulars        Reference      Year 1      Year 2      Year 3      Year 4      Year 5
             Fixed                       A        22,00,000
             Estimated   costs   to      B        20,00,000
             Total estimated variable    C         2,20,000    2,20,000    2,20,000    5,50,000     5,50,000
             Costs                       D         1,20,000    3,70,000    8,20,000     5,70,000    1,20,000
             Fixed revenue          E=A x D/B      1,32,000    4,07,000    9,02,000    6,27,000     1,32,000
             Variable revenue        F=C x D/B      13,200      40,700      90,200      1,56,750    33,000
             Cumulative catch-up     G (W.N. 1)       -           -           -         2,16,150       -
             Total revenue           H=E+F+G       1,45,200    4,47,700    9,92,200    9,99,900     1,65,000
             Operating profit         I=G–H        25,200       77,700     1,72,200    4,29,900     45,000
             Margin (rounded off)      J=I/G       17.36%       17.36%      17.36%       43%        27.27%
        * For simplicity, it is assumed there is no change to the estimated costs to complete throughout the contract

        *  In  practice,  under  the  cost-to-cost  measure  of  progress,  total  revenue  for  each  period  is  determined  by

        multiplying the total transaction price (fixed and variable) by the ratio of cumulative cost incurred to total

        estimated costs to complete, less revenue recognized to date.

        W.N. 1

                 Calculation of cumulative catch-up adjustment:
                 Updated variable consideration                         L                      5,50,000
                 Percent complete in Year 4: (rounded off)           M=N/O                       94%
                 Cumulative costs through Year 4                       N          18,80,000
                 Estimated costs to complete                           O          20,00,000
                 Cumulative variable revenue through Year 4:            P                      3,00,850
                 Cumulative catch-up adjustment                    F=L x M–P                   2,16,150

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