Page 31 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 31

vi.  Extract  of  Notes  to  the  financial  statements  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,  2019  and  31st
                March 2020
                                                                          2019-2020        2018-2019

                                                                             Rs.              Rs.
                 Sale of goods                                                -             2,51,927
                 Rendering of machine- maintenance services                 75,000           45,000
                 Finance income (12,596 + 15,477)                             -              28,073
                                                                            75,000          3,25,000

        Q28.  (JULY. 21)

        GTM Limited has provided the following 4 independent scenarios. You are advised to respond to the queries
        mentioned at the end of each scenario. Support your answer with the relevant extracts of the applicable Ind
        Scenario 1
        GTM Limited enters into a contract with a customer to sell product G, T and M in exchange for Rs. 1,90,000.

        GTM Limited will satisfy the performance obligations for each of the product at different points in time. GTM
        Limited regularly sells product G separately and therefore the stand-alone selling price is directly observable.
        The stand- alone selling prices of product T and M are not directly observable.
        Because the stand-alone selling prices for Product T and M are not directly observable, the Company has to
        estimate them. To estimate the stand-alone selling prices, the Company uses the adjusted market assessment
        approach  for  product  T  and  the  expected  cost  plus  a  margin  approach  for  product  M.  In  making  these

        estimates, the Company maximizes the use of observable inputs.
        The entity estimated the stand -alone selling prices as follows:
                                       Product         Stand-alone selling price (Rs.)
                                      Product G                   90,000
                                       Product T                  44,000

                                      Product M                   66,000
                                        Total                    2,00,000
        Determine the transaction price allocated to each Product.

        Scenario 2
        GTM Limited regularly sells Products G, T and M individually. The standalone selling prices are as under:

                                          Product            Stand-alone selling price (Rs.)
                                          Product G                     90,000

                                          Product T                     44,000
                                         Product M                      66,000
                                           Total                       2,00,000
        In addition, the Company regularly sells Products T and M together for Rs. 1,00,000.

        The Company enters into a contract with another customer to sell Products G, T and M in exchange for Rs.
        1,90,000. GTM Limited will satisfy the performance obligations for each of the products at different points in
        time; or Product T and M at same point in time.

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