Page 32 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 32

Determine the allocation of transaction price to Product T and M.

        Scenario 3

        GTM Limited enters into a contract with a customer to sell products G, T and M as described in scenario 2.
        The  contract  also  includes  a  promise  to  transfer  product  'Hope'.  Total  consideration  in  the  contract  is  Rs.
        2,40,000. The stand-alone selling price for product 'Hope' is highly variable because the company sells Product
        'Hope' to different customers for a broad range of amounts (Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 65,000).
        Determine the selling price of Products G, T, M and Hope using the residual approach.

        Scenario 4
        The  same  facts  as  in  scenario  3  applies  to  scenario  4  except  that  the  transaction  price  is  Rs.  2,25,000
        instead of Rs. 2,40,000.
        Discuss how the transaction price should be allocated.

        Scenario 1
        The customer receives a  discount for purchasing the bundle of goods because the sum of the stand-alone

        selling  prices  (Rs.  2,00,000)  exceeds  the  promised  consideration  (Rs.  1,90,000).  The  entity  considers  that
        there is no observable evidence about the performance obligation to which the entire discount belongs. The
        discount is allocated proportionately across Products G, T and M. The discount, and therefore the transaction
        price, is allocated as follows:

                           Product                     Allocated transaction price
                          Product G    85,500           (Rs. 90,000 ÷ Rs. 2,00,000 × Rs. 1,90,000)
                          Product T    41,800           (Rs. 44,000 ÷ Rs. 2,00,000 × Rs. 1,90,000)
                          Product M    62,700           (Rs. 66,000 ÷ Rs. 2,00,000 × Rs. 1,90,000)
                            Total     1,90,000

        Scenario 2
        The  contract  includes  a  discount  of  Rs.  10,000  on  the  overall  transaction,  which  would  be  allocated
        proportionately to all three performance obligations when allocating the transaction price using the  relative
        stand-alone selling price method.
        However, because the entity regularly sells Products T and M together for Rs. 1,00,000 and Product G for Rs.

        90,000, it has evidence that the entire discount of Rs. 10,000 should be allocated to the promises to transfer
        Products T and M in accordance with paragraph 82 of Ind AS 115.
        If the entity transfers control of Products T and M at the same point in time, then the entity could, as a
        practical matter, account for the transfer of those products as a single performance obligation. That is, the
        entity  could  allocate  Rs.  90,000  of  the  transaction  prices  to  the  single  performance  obligation  of  G  and
        recognise revenue of Rs. 1,00,000 when Products T and M simultaneously transfer to the customer.

        If the contract requires the entity to transfer control of Products T and M at different points in time, then
        the allocated amount of Rs. 1,00,000 is individually allocated to the promises to transfer Product T (stand-
        alone selling price of Rs. 44,000) and Product M (stand-alone selling price of Rs. 66,000) as follows:

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