Page 34 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 34

Q29 (Dec 21 – 10 Marks)

        An entity has a fixed fees contract for Rs 22,00,000 to develop a product that meets specified performance
        criteria.  Estimated  cost  to  complete  the  contract  is  Rs  20,00,000.  The  entity  will  transfer  control  of  the
        product  over  five  years,  and  the  entity  uses  the  cost-to-cost  input  method  to  measure  progress  on  the
        contract. An incentive award is available if the product meets the following weight criteria:

                         Weight (kg)               Award % of fixed fee              Incentive fee
                         951 or greater                    0%                             —
                           701–950                         10%                        Rs 2,20,000
                          700 or less                      25%                        Rs 5,50,000
        The entity has extensive experience creating products that meet the specific performance criteria. Based on its

        experience, the entity has identified five engineering alternatives that will achieve the 10 percent incentive and
        two that will achieve the 25 percent incentive. In this case, the entity determined that it has  90 percent

        confidence that it will achieve the 10 percent incentive and has 10 percent confidence that it will achieve the
        25 percent incentive.

        Based  on  this  analysis,  the  entity  believes  10  percent  to  be  the  most  likely  amount  when  estimating  the
        transaction  price.  Therefore,  the  entity  includes  only  the  10  percent  award  in  the  transaction  price  when

        calculating revenue because the entity has concluded it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of
        cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is

        subsequently resolved due to its 90 percent confidence in achieving the 10 percent award.

        The entity reassesses its production status quarterly to determine whether it is on track to meet the criteria
        for the incentive award. At the end of year four, it becomes apparent that this contract will fully achieve the

        weight-based criterion. Therefore, the entity revises its estimate of variable consideration to include the entire
        25 percent incentive fee in the year four because, at this point, it is probable that a significant reversal in the

        amount of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when including the entire variable consideration in the
        transaction price.

        Evaluate the impact of changes in variable consideration when cost incurred is as follows:

                                                 Year           Rs
                                                   1          1,20,000
                                                  2           3,70,000
                                                  3          8,20,000
                                                   4          5,70,000
                                                   5          1,20,000

        Calculate yearly revenue, operating profit and margin (%). For simplification purposes, calculate revenue for
        the  year  independently  based  on  costs  incurred  during  the  year  divided  by  total  expected  costs,  with  the
        assumption that total expected costs do not change.

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