Page 2 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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INDAS – 109 & 32

                                   FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 44)


                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   23.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                    23.13

                                3               Past Exam Questions                23.32

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q.1 (RTP May 18, MTP Oct.20, MTP April 19, MTP Nov.19, MTP Aug. 18)

        On 1st April, 20X4, Shelter Ltd. issued 5,000, 8% convertible debentures with a face value of Rs 100 each
        maturing  on  31st  March,  20X9.  The  debentures  are  convertible  into  equity  shares  of  Shelter  Ltd.  at  a
        conversion price of Rs 105 per share. Interest is payable annually in cash. At the date of issue, Shelter Ltd.
        could have issued non-convertible debt with a 5-year term bearing a coupon interest rate of 12%. On 1st April,
        20X7,  the  convertible  debentures  have  a  fair  value  of  Rs  5,25,000.  Shelter  Ltd.  makes  a  tender  offer  to

        debenture holders to repurchase the debentures for Rs 5,25,000, which the holders accepted. At the date of
        repurchase, Shelter Ltd. could have issued non-convertible debt with a 2-year term bearing a coupon interest
        rate of 9%.
        Show accounting entries in the books of Shelter Ltd. for recording of equity and liability component:
        1.  At the time of initial recognition and

        2.  At the time of repurchase of the convertible debentures.
        The following present values of Rs 1 at 8%, 9% & 12% are supplied to you:

                                 Interest Rate  Year 1  Year 2  Year 3  Year 4  Year 5

                                      8%         0.926   0.857    0.794   0.735    0.681
                                      9%         0.917   0.842    0.772   0.708    0.650

                                     12%         0.893   0.797    0.712   0.636    0.567

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7