Page 6 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
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3.  The said loan is interest free and will be repaid as and when the YK Ltd. has funds to repay the Loan
        4.  Further  the  Company  is  also  planning  to  grant  interest  free  loan  from  YK  Ltd.  to  KK  Ltd.  in  the

            subsequent period. What will be the accounting treatment of the same under applicable Ind AS?

        Based on the same, KK Ltd. has requested you to suggest the accounting treatment of the above loan in the
        stand-alone financial statements of KK Ltd. and YK Ltd. and also in the consolidated financial statements of
        the group. Consider interest for only one year for the above loan.

        Scenario (i)

        Since the loan is repayable on demand, it has fair value equal to cash consideration given. KK Ltd. and YK
        Ltd. should recognize financial assets and liability, respectively, at the amount of loan given (assuming that
        loan is repayable within a year). Upon repayment, both the entities should reverse the entries that were made
        at the origination.
        Journal entries in the books of KK Ltd.
                                       At origination

                                       Loan to YK Ltd. A/c Dr      Rs 10,00,000
                                           To Bank A/c             Rs 10,00,000

                                       On repayment
                                       Bank A/c Dr.                Rs 10,00,000
                                       To Loan to YK Ltd. A/c      Rs 10,00,000

        Journal entries in the books of YK Ltd.
                                         At origination
                                         Bank A/c Dr.                 Rs 10,00,000

                                            To Loan from KK Ltd. A/c   Rs 10,00,000
                                         On repayment
                                         Loan from KK Ltd. A/c Dr.    Rs 10,00,000

                                            To Bank A/c               Rs 10,00,000
        In the consolidated financial statements, there will be no entry in this regard since loan receivable and loan
        payable will get set off.

        Scenario (ii)
        Applying  the  guidance  in  Ind  AS  109,  a  ‘financial  asset’  shall  be  recorded  at  its  fair  value  upon  initial
        recognition. Fair value is normally the transaction price. However, sometimes certain types of instruments may
        be exchanged at off market terms (i.e., different from market terms for a similar instrument if exchanged
        between market participants).

        If  a  long-term  loan  or  receivable  that  carries  no  interest  while  similar  instruments  if  exchanged  between
        market  participants  carry  interest,  then  the  fair  value  for  such  loan  receivable  will  be  lower  from  its
        transaction  price  owing  to  the  loss  of  interest  that  the  holder  bears.  In  such  cases  where  part  of  the
        consideration given or received is for something other than the financial instrument, an entity shall measure

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