Page 4 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 4

(ii) At the time of repurchase of convertible debentures
        The repurchase price is allocated as follows:
                                                  Carrying     Fair Value @      Difference          Effect

                                                  Value @          9%
                                                     Rs            Rs               Rs

         Liability component
         Present  value  of  2  remaining  yearly   67,600        70,360
         interest payments of Rs 40,000, discounted

         at 12% and 9%, respectively
         Present  value  of  Rs  5,00,000  due  in  2   3,98,500   4,21,000
         years,  discounted  at  12%  and  9%,

         compounded yearly, respectively
         Liability component                       4,66,100      4,91,360         (25,260)       increase in liab
         Equity component                          72,300        33,640*          38,660        decrease in equity

                                                              (5,25,000 –

         Total                                    5,38,400       5,25,000          13,40

        Note - FV on date of modification = 5,25,000 (given). Do not take 5,00,000

                                                         Journal Entries
                                                                                      Rs.      Rs.
                     8% Debentures (Liability component) Dr.                        4,66,100
                     Profit and loss A/c (Debt settlement expense) Dr.               25,260  4,91,360

                        To Bank A/c
                     (Being the repurchase of the liability component recognised)

                     8% Debentures (Equity component) Dr.                            72,300
                        To Bank A/c                                                           33,640
                        To Reserves and Surplus A/c                                           38,660
                     (Being the cash paid for the equity component recognised)

        Entries for Year 3 (after modification)
            1.  P/L    Dr.      25,260
               To Financial Liability   25,260

            2.  8% Debentures Dr  38,660
               To General Reserve     38,660

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