Page 68 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 68

        e.  31  March 2021
                                  Particulars                      Dr. Amount (Rs)       Cr. Amount (Rs)
               Loan from bank A/c Dr.                                  9,50,000
               Interest expense (profit and loss) Dr.                  11,40,000
               To cash A/c                                                                   20,90,000
               (Being first instalment of the new loan and payment
               of  interest  accounted  for  as  an  adjustment  to  the
               amortised cost of loan)

        Q43. (December 21 – 12 Marks)

        Ram Limited is a company incorporated in India. It provides Rs. 25,00,000 interest free loan to its wholly
        owned Indian subsidiary Balram Limited. There are no transaction costs.
        How  should the  loan  be  accounted for,  in the  light  of  provisions  of  related  Ind AS,  in the  books  of  Ram

        Limited,  Balram  Limited  and  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of  the  group,  considering  the  following
           i.   The loan is repayable on demand.
          ii.   The loan is repayable after 3 years. The current market rate of interest for similar loans is 12% P.A.
               for both holding and subsidiary.
          iii.   The loan is repayable when Balram Limited has funds to repay the loan.

        Briefly,  analyse  the  above  scenarios.  Also  pass  Journal  Entries  in  the  books  of  Ram  Limited  and  Balram
        Limited in case of Scenario (a) and (b).
        Present Value of Rs. 1 payable in 3 years’ time at an annual discount rate of 12% is 0.7118.
        Suggested SOLUTION

        Ind AS 109 requires that financial assets and liabilities are recognized on initial recognition at its fair value, as
        adjusted for the transaction cost. In accordance with Ind AS 113 Fair Value Measurement, the fair value of a

        financial liability with a demand feature (e.g., a demand deposit) is not less than the amount payable on
        demand, discounted from the first date that the amount could be required to be paid.
        Using the guidance, the loan will be accounted for as below in various scenarios:
                                                      Scenario (a)
        Since the loan is repayable on demand, it has fair value equal to cash consideration given. The parent and

        subsidiary recognize financial assets and liability, respectively, at the amount of loan given. Going forward, no
        interest is accrued on the loan.
        Upon repayment, both the parent and the subsidiary reverse the entries made at origination.
                                                      Scenario (b)

        Both  parent  and  subsidiary  recognize  financial  assets  and  liability,  respectively,  at  fair  value  on  initial
        recognition. The difference between the loan amount and its fair value is treated as an equity contribution to
        the subsidiary. This represents a further investment by the parent in the subsidiary.
                                      Accounting in the books of RAM Ltd (Parent)
              S.No.                           Particulars                             Amount       Amount
                      On the date of loan

                1     Loan to Balram Ltd (Subsidiary)                      Dr.       17,79,500
                      Deemed Investment (Capital Contribution) in Balram Ltd  Dr.    7,20,500

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