Page 66 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 66

Q42 (December 21 – 12 Marks)

        KUPA LTD BORROWED Rs. 95 lakhs as loan from XYZ Bank as of April 1  2018 at an interest rate of 10%
        p.a. KUPA ltd spent Rs. 1,80,912 as loan processing charges. The principal amount of the loan is to be repaid
        in 5 equal installments and interest to be paid annually on an accrual basis. The effective interest rate on a
        loan is 10.80%.
        On  31   March  2020,  KUPA  Ltd  faced  challenges  in  business  because  of  sudden  changes  in  technology.  It
        approached XYZ Bank and renegotiated the terms of the loan. Interest rate changed to 15% p.a. Principal
        amount of loan is to be repaid in 8 equal installments annually starting 31  March 2021 and interest is to be
        paid annually on an accrual basis. Before approaching the bank KUPA ltd made the interest payment on 31
        March 2020.
        You are required to record Journal entries in the books of KUPA Ltd till 31  March, 2021, also giving effect of
        the changes in the terms of the loan on 31  March, 2020. Workings should form part of the answer.
               PV of Rel     Year 1   Year 2     Year 3    Year 4     Year 5    Year 6     Year 7    Year 8
                 10%         0.909    0.826      0.751      0.683      0.621     0.564     0.513      0.467
                10.8%        0.903     0.815     0.735      0.664      0.599     0.540     0.488      0.440
                 15%         0.870     0.756     0.658      0.572      0.497     0.432     0.376      0.327


       1.  On the date of initial recognition, the effective interest rate of the loan shall be computed keeping in view

           the contractual cash flows and upfront processing fee paid. The following table shows the amortisation of
           loan based on effective interest rate:

                      Date          Cash flows      Cash flows       Amortised cost      Interest @ EIR
                                    (principal)    (interest and   (opening + interest –    (10.80%)
                                                       fee)           cash flows)
                 1/4/18             (95,00,000)       1,80,912          93,19,088
                 31/3/19             19,00,000        9,50,000          74,75,550           10,06,462
                 31/3/20             19,00,000        7,60,000          56,22,909           8,07,359
                 31/3/21             19,00,000        5,70,000          37,60,183            6,07,274
                 31/3/22             19,00,000        3,80,000         18,86,283             4,06,100
                 31/3/23             19,00,000        1,90,000            (0)                2,03,719
        a.  Beginning 1/4/18-
                                    Particulars                     Dr. Amount (Rs)     Cr. Amount (Rs)
                 Cash A/c Dr.                                           93,19,088
                 To Loan from bank A/c                                                      93,19,088
                 (Being loan recorded at its fair value less transaction
                 costs on the initial recognition date)
        b.  31/03/19-

                                    Particulars                     Dr. Amount (Rs)     Cr. Amount (Rs)
                 Loan from bank A/c Dr.                                 18,43,538
                 Interest expense (profit and loss) Dr.                 10,06,462
                 To Cash A/c                                                               28,50,000
                 (Being first instalment of loan and payment of interest
                 accounted for as an adjustment to the amortised cost
                 of loan)
                                                                                                      23. 65
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