Page 64 - 23. COMPILER QB - IND AS 109_32
P. 64

Q40. (July 21 – 6 Marks)

        Government of India provides loans to MSMEs at a below-market rate of interest to fund the set-up of a
        new manufacturing facility. Sukshma Limited's date of transition to Ind AS is 1st April 2020.
        In the financial year 2014-2015, the Company had received a loan of Rs 2.0 crore at a below - market rate

        of interest from the government. Under Indian GAAP, the Company had accounted for the loan as equity and
        the carrying amount was Rs 2.0 crore at the date of transition. The amount repayable on 31st March 2024
        will be Rs 2.50 crore.
        The Company has been advised to recognize the difference of Rs 0.50 crores in equity by correspondingly
        increasing  the  value  of  various  assets  under  property,  plant  &  equipment  by  an  equivalent  amount  on

        proportionate basis. Further, on 31st March 2024 when the loan has to be repaid, Rs 2.50 crore should be
        presented as a deduction from property, plant & equipment.
        Discuss the above treatment and share your views as per applicable Ind AS.

        Requirement as per Ind AS:
        A first-time adopter shall classify all government loans received as a financial liability or an equity instrument
        in accordance with Ind AS 32. A first-time adopter shall apply the requirements in Ind AS 109 and Ind AS 20,

        prospectively to government loans existing at the date of transition to Ind AS and shall not recognise the
        corresponding benefit of the government loan at a below-market rate of interest as a government grant.
        Treatment to be done:
        Consequently, if a first-time adopter did not, under its previous GAAP, recognise and measure a government
        loan  at  a  below-market  rate  of  interest  on  a  basis  consistent  with  Ind  AS  requirements,  it  shall  use  its
        previous GAAP carrying amount of the loan at the date of transition to Ind AS as the carrying amount of the

        loan in the opening Ind AS Balance Sheet. An entity shall apply Ind AS 109 to the measurement of such loans
        after the date of transition to Ind AS.
        In  the  instant  case,  the  loan  meets  the  definition  of  a  financial  liability  in  accordance  with  Ind  AS  32.
        Company therefore reclassifies it from equity to liability. It also uses the previous GAAP carrying amount of
        the loan at the date of transition as the carrying amount of the loan in the opening Ind AS balance sheet.

        It  calculates  the  annual  effective  interest  rate  (EIR)  starting  1st  April  2020  as  below:  EIR  =  Amount  /
        Principal(1/t) i.e. 2.50/2(1/4) i.e. 5.74%. approx.
        At this rate, Rs 2 crore will accrete to Rs 2.50 crore as at 31st March 2024.
        During the next 4 years, the interest expense charged to statement of profit and loss shall be:
                           Year ended           Opening      Interest expense for the     Closing

                                             amortised cost   year (Rs) @ 5.74% p.a.   amortised cost
                                                  (Rs)               approx.               (Rs)
                         31st March 2021       2,00,00,000           11,48,000          2,11,48,000

                         31st March 2022       2,11,48,000           12,13,895          2,23,61,895
                         31st March 2023       2,23,61,895          12,83,573          2,36,45,468
                         31st March 2024       2,36,45,468          13,54,532           2,50,00,000

        An entity may apply the requirements in Ind AS 109 and Ind AS 20 retrospectively to any government loan
        originated before the date of transition to Ind AS, provided that the information needed to do so had been

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