Page 8 - 25. COMPILER QB - IND AS 108
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3.     Other Information
                  (a)    Assets
                  Segment Assets                                      25,000       15,000      40,000
                  Investments                                                                  5,000
                  Unallocated assets                                                           5,000
                  Total Assets                                                                 50,000
                  (b)    Liabilities/Shareholder’s funds
                  Segment liabilities                                  15,000      5,000       20,000

                  Unallocated liabilities                                                      10,000
                  Share capital                                                                5,000
                  Reserves and surplus                                                         15,000
                  Total liabilities / shareholder’s funds                                      50,000
                  (c)    Others
                  Capital Expenditure                                  2,500       1,000       3,500
                  Depreciation                                          500         150         650
        (2) Geographical Information
                                                                            (Rs in lakh)
                                                               India        Outside India      Total
                   Revenue                                    1,43,500         15,000         1,58,500
                   Segment assets                              35,000          5,000           40,000
                   Capital expenditure                         3,500             -             3,500
        Note: Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the

        (i) The operating segments have been identified in line with the Ind AS 108, taking into account the nature
        of product, organisation structure, economic environment and internal reporting system.
        (ii) Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the

        segments. Unallocable assets include unallocable fixed assets and other current assets. Unallocable liabilities
        include unallocable current liabilities and net deferred tax liability.
        (iii)  Corresponding  figures  for  previous  year  have  not  been  provided.  However,  in  a  practical  scenario  the
        corresponding figures would need to be given.

        Q6 (November20 – 6 Marks) – (Similar to Q3)

        John Limited has identified for segments for which revenue data is given as per below:
                                                  External Sale   Internal Sale    Total (₹)
                                                      (₹)             (₹)
                                Segment A           4,00,000           Nil          4,00,000
                                Segment B            80,000            Nil           80,000
                                Segment C            90,000          20,000         1,10,000
                                Segment D            70,000         6,20,000        6,90,000
                                Total sales         6,40,000        6,40,000       12,80,000
        The following additional information is available with respect to John Limited:
        Segment  C  is  a  high  growing  business  and  management  expects  that  this  segment  to  make  a  significant

        contribution to external revenue in coming years.
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