Page 9 - 25. COMPILER QB - IND AS 108
P. 9

Discuss, which of the segments would be reportable under the threshold criteria identified in Ind AS 108 and

        Threshold amount of 10% of total revenue is Rs. 1,28,000 (Rs. 12,80,000 × 10%).
        Segment  A  exceeds  the  quantitative  threshold  (Rs.  4,00,000  >  Rs.  1,28,000)  and  hence  is  a  reportable

        Segment  D  exceeds  the  quantitative  threshold  (Rs.  6,90,000  >  Rs.  1,28,000)  and  hence  is  a  reportable
        Segment B & C do not meet the quantitative threshold amount and may not be classified as a reportable

        However,  the  total  external  revenue  generated  by  these  two  segments  A &  D  represent  only  73.44%  (Rs.
        4,70,000 / 6,40,000 x 100) of the entity’s total external revenue. If the total external revenue reported by
        operating  segments  constitutes  less  than  75%  of  the  entity’s  total  external  revenue,  additional  operating
        segments  should  be  identified  as  reportable  segments  until  at  least  75%  of  the  revenue  is  included  in
        reportable segments.
        In the case of John Limited, it is given that Segment C is a high growing business and management expects

        this segment to make a significant contribution to external revenue in coming years. In accordance with the
        requirement of Ind AS 108, John Limited may designate segment C as a reportable segment, making the total
        external revenue attributable to reportable segments be 87.5% (Rs. 5,60,000/ 6,40,000 x 100) of total entity’s
        external revenue.

        In this situation, Segments A, C and D will be reportable segments and Segment B will be shown as other
        Alternatively, Segment B may be considered as a reportable segment instead of Segment C, based on the
        choice of John Ltd. ‘s management, if it meets the definition of operating segment.
        If Segment B is considered as reportable segment, external revenue reported will be
        Rs 4,00,000 + Rs 80,000 + Rs 70,000 = Rs 5,50,000

        % of Total External Revenue = Rs 5,50,000 / Rs 6,40,000 = 85.94%
        Segments A, B and D will be reportable segments and Segment C will be shown as other segments.

        Q7 (January 21 – 6 Marks)

        Heavy Goods Ltd. has 6 operating segments namely L-Q (below). The total revenues (internal and external),
        profits or losses and assets are set out below:
                                                                                     (In Rs.)

                          Segment    Inter Segment Sales  External Sales  Profit / loss   Total assets
                             L              4,200            12,300        3,000        37,500
                             M              3,500             7,750        1,500        23,250
                             N              1,000            3,500        (1,500)       15,750
                             0                0              5,250         (750)        10,500
                             P               500             5,500          900         10,500
                             Q              1,200             1,050         600         5,250
                                           10,400            35,350        3,750       1,02,750

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