Page 3 - 27. COMPILER QB - IND AS 7
P. 3

Considering the above, for the financial year ended March 31, 20X2 total consideration of Rs. 15,00,000 less
        Rs. 250,000 will be shown under investing activities as “Acquisition of the subsidiary (net of cash acquired)”.
        There will not be any impact of issuance of equity shares as consideration in the cash flow statement however

        a proper disclosure shall be given elsewhere in the financial statements in a way that provides all the relevant
        information about the issuance of equity shares for non-cash consideration.
        Further, in the statement of cash flows for the year ended March 31, 20X3, cash consideration paid for the
        acquisition of additional 10% stake in Company B will be shown under financing activities.

        Q2 (May 19)
        Z Ltd. has no foreign currency cash flow for the year 2017. It holds some deposits in a bank in the USA. The

        balances as on 31.12.2017 and 31.12.2018 were US$ 100,000 and US$ 102,000 respectively. The exchange rate on
        December 31, 2017 was US$1 = Rs 45. The same on 31.12.2018 was US$1 = Rs 50. The increase in the balance
        was  on  account  of  interest  credited  on  31.12.2018.  Thus,  the  deposit  was  reported  at  Rs  45,00,000  in  the
        balance sheet as on December 31, 2017. It was reported at Rs 51,00,000 in the balance sheet as on 31.12.2018.
        How these transactions should be presented in cash flow for the year ended 31.12.2018 as per Ind AS 7?

        The profit and loss account was credited by Rs. 1,00,000 (US$ 2000 × Rs. 50) towards interest income. It was

        credited by the exchange difference of US$ 100,000 × (Rs. 50 - Rs. 45) that is, Rs. 500,000. In preparing the
        cash flow statement, Rs 500,000, the exchange  difference, should be deducted from the ―net profit before
        taxes  and  extraordinary  item‖.  However,  in  order  to  reconcile  the  opening  balance  of  the  cash  and  cash
        equivalents  with  its closing  balance,  the  exchange  difference  Rs.  500,000,  should  be  added  to  the  opening
        balance in note to cash flow statement.
        Cash flows arising from transactions in a foreign currency shall be recorded in Z Ltd.‖s functional currency by

        applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the functional currency and the foreign
        currency at the date of the cash flow.

        Q3 (Nov 19)

        Following is the balance sheet of Kuber Limited for the year ended 31stMarch,20X2
                                                                            (Rs. In lacs)
                                                                            20X2          20X1

                        Non-current Assets
                        Property, plant and equipment                       13,000       12,500
                        Intangible assets                                    50            30
                        Other financial assets                               145          170
                        Deferred tax asset (net)                             855          750
                        Other non-current assets                             800          770
                        Total non-current assets                            14,850       14,220
                        Current assets
                        Financial assets
                        Investments                                         2,300        2,500
                        Cash and cash equivalents                            220          460

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