Page 4 - 27. COMPILER QB - IND AS 7
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Other current assets                                 195          85
                        Total current assets                                2,715        3,045
                        Total Assets                                        17,565       17,265
                        EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        Equity share capital Other equity                    300          300
                        Total equity Liabilities                            12,000       8,000
                        Non-current liabilities
                                                                            12,300       8,300
                        Long-term borrowings

                                                                            2,000        5,000
                        Other non-current liabilities                       2,740        3,615

                        Total non-current liabilities                       4,740        8,615
                        Current liabilities
                        Financial liabilities

                        Trade payables                                       150           90
                        Bank Overdraft                                       75            60

                        Other current liabilities                            300          200
                        Total current liabilities                            525          350

                        Total liabilities                                   5,265        8,965

                        Total Equity and Liabilities                        17,565       17,265

        Additional Information:

            1.  Profit after tax for the year ended 31stMarch, 20X2- Rs. 4,450 lacs
            2.  Interim Dividend paid during the year - Rs. 450lacs
            3.  Depreciation and amortization charged in the statement of profit and loss during the current year are
                           i.  Property, Plant and Equipment - Rs. 500 lacs
                          ii.  Intangible Assets - Rs. 20 lacs

            4.  During the year ended 31stMarch, 20X2 two machines were sold for Rs.10 lacs. The carrying amount of
               these machines as on 31stMarch, 20X2 is Rs. 60 lacs.
            5.  Income taxes paid during the year Rs. 105 lacs
            6.  Other  non-current/current  assets  and  liabilities  are  related  to  operations  of  Kuber  Ltd.  and  do  not

               contain any element of financing and investing activities.
        Using the above information of Kuber Limited, construct a statement of cash flows under indirect method.

                                                   Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                                                Rs. in lacs
              Cash flows from Operating Activities
              Net Profit after Tax                                                   4,450
              Add: Tax Paid                                                           105

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