Page 7 - 27. COMPILER QB - IND AS 7
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Cash paid to acquire subsidiary (74,000 – 2,000)           (72,000)
                   Net cash outflow from investing activities                               (72,000)
                   Cash flows from financing activities
                   Interest paid                                               (4,000)

                   Net cash outflow from financing activities                                (4,000)
                   Increase in cash and cash equivalents during the year                      3,000
                   Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                     5,000
                   Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                           8,000

        Working Notes:
                     1.   Calculation of change in inventory during the year                   Rs
                         Total inventories of the Group at the end of the year               30,000

                         Inventories acquired during the year from subsidiary                (4,000)
                         Opening inventories                                                 35,000
                         Decrease in inventories                                              9,000
                     2.   Calculation of change in Trade Receivables during the year           Rs
                         Total trade receivables of the Group at the end of the year         54,000
                         Trade receivables acquired during the year from subsidiary          (8,000)

                         Opening trade receivables                                            50,000
                         Decrease in trade receivables                                        4,000
                     3.   Calculation of change in Trade Payables during the year              Rs
                         Trade payables at the end of the year                               68,000
                         Trade payables of the subsidiary assumed during the year           (32,000)
                         Opening trade payables                                              60,000
                         Decrease in trade payables                                          24,000

        Q5 (November 20 & Also Newly Added in ICAI May 22 Module)

        During the financial year 2019-2020, Akola Limited have paid various taxes & reproduced the below mentioned
        records for your perusal:
        -  Capital gain tax of Rs. 20 crore on sale of office premises at a sale consideration of Rs. 100 crore.
        -  Income Tax of Rs. 3 crore on Business profits amounting Rs. 30 crore (assume entire business profit as cash
        -  Dividend Distribution Tax of Rs. 2 crore on payment of dividend amounting Rs. 20 crore to its shareholders.

        -  Income tax Refund of Rs. 1.5 crore (Refund on taxes paid in earlier periods for business profits).
        You need to determine the net cash flow from operating activities, investing activities and financing activities
        of Akola Limited as per relevant Ind AS.

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