Page 2 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 2

INDAS 101 –


                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 13)

                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   30.1
                                2                  MTP Questions                    30.11
                                3               Past Exam Questions                 30.19

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (May 18)
        ABC Ltd is a government company and is a first-time adopter of Ind AS. As per the previous GAAP, the

        contributions received by ABC Ltd. from the government (which holds 100% shareholding in ABC Ltd.) which
        is  in  the  nature  of  promoters’  contribution  have been  recognised  in capital  reserve and  treated  as  part of
        shareholders’ funds in accordance with the provisions of AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants.
        State whether the accounting treatment of the grants in the nature of promoters’ contribution as per AS 12
        is  also  permitted  under  Ind  AS  20  Accounting  for  Government  Grants  and  Disclosure  of  Government
        Assistance. If not, then what will be the accounting treatment of such grants recognised in capital reserve as

        per previous GAAP on the date of transition to Ind AS.

        Ind AS 20, “Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance” inter alia states
        that the Standard does not deal with government participation in the ownership of the entity.
        Since  ABC  Ltd.  is  a  Government  company,  it  implies  that  the  government  has  100%  shareholding  in  the
        entity.  Accordingly,  the  entity  needs  to  determine  whether  the  payment  is  provided  as  a  shareholder
        contribution or as a government. Equity contributions will be recorded in equity while grants will be shown in

        the Statement of Profit and Loss.
        Where it is concluded that the contributions are in the nature of government grant, the entity shall apply the
        principles of Ind AS 20 retrospectively as specified in Ind AS 101 ‘First Time Adoption of Ind AS’. Ind AS 20
        requires all grants to be recognised as income on a systematic basis over the periods in which the entity

        recognises as expenses the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. Unlike AS 12, Ind
        AS  20  requires  the  grant  to  be  classified  as  either  a  capital  or  an  income  grant  and  does  not  permit
        recognition of government grants in the nature of promoter’s contribution directly to shareholders’ funds.
        Where it is concluded that the contributions are in the nature of shareholder contributions and are recognised
        in capital reserve under previous GAAP, the provisions of paragraph 10 of Ind AS 101 would be applied which
        states that, which states that except in certain cases, an entity shall in its opening Ind AS Balance Sheet:
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