Page 7 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 7

Increase  in  the  value  of  Land  due  to  remeasurement  at   5.5
                       fair value
                       Increase in the value of investment due to remeasurement   0.75
                       at fair value                                                      6.25
                       Equity as on 1stApril, 20X1 after transition to Ind AS            182.03

        Q4. (May 20)
        On April 1, 20X1, Sigma Ltd. issued 30,000 6% convertible debentures of face value of Rs 100 per debenture at
        par. The debentures are redeemable at a premium of 10% on March 31, 20X5 or these may be converted into

        ordinary shares at the option of the holder. The interest rate for equivalent debentures without conversion
        rights would have been 10%. The date of transition to Ind AS is April 1, 20X3.
        Suggest how Sigma Ltd. should account for this compound financial instrument on the date of transition.
        The present value of Re. 1 receivable at the end of each year based on discount rates of 6% and 10% can be

        taken as:
                                           End of year        6%          10%
                                               1             0.94         0.91
                                               2             0.89         0.83
                                               3             0.84         0.75
                                               4             0.79         0.68

        The  carrying  amount  of  the  debenture  on  the  date  of  transition  under  previous  GAAP,  assuming  that  all
        interest accrued other than premium on redemption have been paid, will be Rs. 31,50,000 [(30,000 x 100) +
        (30,000 x 100 x 10/100 x 2/5)]. The premium payable on redemption is being recognised as borrowing costs as
        per AS 16 i.e. under previous GAAP on a straight-line basis.
        Ind AS 32, ‘Financial Instruments: Presentation’, requires an entity to split a compound financial instrument

        at inception into separate liability and equity components. If the liability component is no longer outstanding,
        retrospective application of Ind  AS 32 would involve separating two portions of equity. The first portion is
        recognised in retained earnings and represents the cumulative interest accreted on the liability component. The
        other portion represents the original equity component. However, in accordance with Ind AS 101, a first-time
        adopter need not separate these two portions if the liability component is no longer outstanding at the date
        of transition to Ind AS.

        In the present case, since the liability is outstanding on the date of transition, Sigma Ltd. will need to split
        the convertible debentures into debt and equity portion on the date of transition. Accordingly, we will first
        measure  the  liability  component  by  discounting  the  contractually  determined  stream  of  future  cash  flows
        (interest and principal) to present value by using the discount rate of 10% p.a. (being the market interest

        rate for similar debentures with no conversion option).
                   Interest payments p.a. on each debenture                                     6
                   Present Value (PV) of interest payment on each debenture for years 1 to 4 (6 x
                   3.17) (Note 1)                                                             19.02
                   PV  of  principal  repayment  on  each  debenture  (including  premium)  110  x  0.68
                   (Note 2)                                                                   74.80
                   Total liability component on each debenture        (A)                     93.82
                                                                                                      30. 6
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