Page 6 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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(b) The  Company  has  recognised  a  provision  for  proposed  dividend  of  Rs.  60  lacs  and  related  dividend
             distribution tax of Rs. 18 lacs during the year ended 31 March, 20X1. It was written back as the opening
             balance sheet date.

        (c)  The Company fair values its investments in equity shares on the date of transition.  The increase on
             account of fair valuation of shares is Rs. 75 lacs.
        (d)  The Company has an Equity Share Capital of Rs. 80 crores and Redeemable Preference Share Capital of
             Rs. 25 crores.
        (e)  The reserves and surplus as on 1 April, 20X1 before transition to Ind AS was Rs. 95 crores representing
             Rs. 40 crores of general reserve and Rs. 5 crores of capital reserve acquired out of business combination
             and balance is surplus in the Retained Earnings.
        (f)  The company identified that the preference shares were in the nature of financial liabilities.
             What is the balance of total equity (Equity and other equity) as on 1 April, 20X1 after transition to Ind
             AS? Show reconciliation between total equity as per AS (Accounting Standards) and as per Ind AS to be
             presented in the opening balance sheet as on 1 April,20X1.
        Ignore deferred tax impact.

        Computation of balance total equity as on 1stApril, 20X1 after transition to Ind AS
                                                                                             Rs in crore
               Share capital- Equity share Capital                                              80
               Other Equity
               General Reserve                                                    40

               Capital Reserve                                                    5
               Retained Earnings (95-5-40)                            50
               Add: Increase in value of land (10-4.5)                5.5
               Add: De recognition of proposed dividend (0.6 + 0.18)   0.78
               Add: Increase in value of Investment                   0.75      57.03         102.03
               Balance total equity as on 1stApril, 20X1 after transition                     182.03
               to Ind AS
        Reconciliation between Total Equity as per AS and Ind AS to be presented in the opening balance sheet as on

        1stApril, 20X1
                                                                                       Rs in crore
                       Equity share capital                                               80
                       Redeemable Preference share capital                                25

                       Reserves and Surplus                                               95
                       Total Equity as per AS                                             200
                       Adjustment due to reclassification
                       Preference share capital classified as financial liability        (25)
                       Adjustment due to derecognition
                       Proposed   Dividend   not   considered    as    liability          0.78
                       as   on 1stApril20X1
                       Adjustment due to remeasurement

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