Page 5 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
P. 5

Note: Only those assets and liabilities have been taken into account for calculation of proportionate goodwill
        share of Joint Venture, which were given in the question as proportionate share of assets and liabilities of
        ABC Ltd. added to XYZ Ltd.

        Proportionate Goodwill of Joint Venture
               = [(Goodwill on consolidation of subsidiary and JV/Total relative net asset) x Net asset of JV]
               = (1507 / 23,137) x 1825 = 119 (approx.)
        Accordingly,  the  proportional  share  of  assets  and  liabilities  of  Joint  Venture  will  be  removed  from  the
        respective values assets and liabilities appearing in the balance sheet on 31.3.2017 and Investment in JV will

        appear under non-current asset in the transition date balance sheet as on 1.4.2017.
        Adjustments made in IGAAP balance sheet to arrive at Transition date Ind AS Balance Sheet

                          Particulars                 31.3.2017       Ind AS        Transition date Balance
                                                                    Adjustment        Sheet as per Ind AS
            Non-Current Assets
            Property Plant & Equipment                 22,288         (1,200)               21,088
            Intangible assets –                         1,507          (119)                 1,388
            Goodwill on Consolidation                                    -
            Investment Property                        5,245           (405)                5,245
            Long Term Loans & Advances                 6,350           1,944                 5,945
            Non- current investment in JV                -               -                   1,944
            Current Assets                                            (280)
            Trade Receivables                           1,818            -                   1,538
            Investments ·                              3,763                                 3,763
            Other Current Assets                        104            (50)                   54
            Total                                      41,075          (110)                40,965
            Shareholder's Funds                        7,953             -                   7,953
            Share Capital                              16,597            -                  16,597
            Reserves & Surplus
            Non-Current Liabilities                     1,000                                1,000
            Long Term Borrowings                        691                                   691
            Long Term Provisions                       5,904                                 5,904
            Other Long-Term Liabilities
            Current Liabilities
            Trade Payables                             8,455           (75)                 8,380
            Short Term Provisions                       475            (35)                  440
            Total                                      41,075          (110)                40,965

        Q3 (Nov 19)

        Mathur India Private Limited has to present its first financials under IndAS  for  the  year ended 31stMarch,
        20X3. The transition date is 1 April,20X1.
        The following adjustments were made upon transition to Ind AS:
        (a)  The Company opted to fair value its land as on the date on transition.

             The fair value of the land as on 1 April, 20X1 was 10 crores.  The carrying amount as on 1 April, 20X1
             under the existing GAAP was Rs. 4.5crores.
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