Page 3 - 30. COMPILER QB - IND AS 101
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a)  recognise all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by Ind AS;
        b)  not recognise items as assets or liabilities if Ind AS do not permit such recognition;
        c)  reclassify  items  that  it  recognised  in  accordance  with  previous  GAAP  as  one  type  of  asset,  liability  or

            component of equity, but are a different type of asset, liability or component of equity in accordance with
            Ind AS; and
        d)  apply Ind AS in measuring all recognised assets and liabilities.”
        Accordingly, as per the above requirements, in the given case, contributions recognised in the Capital Reserve
        should be transferred to the appropriate category under ‘Other Equity’ at the date of transition to Ind AS.

        Q2 (May 19)

        XYZ Pvt. Ltd. is a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 following Accounting Standards notified
        under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006. The Company has decided to voluntary adopt Ind AS
        w.e.f. 1st April, 2018 with a transition date of 1st April, 2017.
        The  Company  has  one  Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary  and  one  Joint  Venture  which  are  into  manufacturing  of
        automobile spare parts.
        The -consolidated financial statements of the Company under Indian GAAP are as under:

                                             Consolidated Financial Statements
                                                                                                  (Rs in Lakhs)
                                     Particulars                         31.03.2018         31.03.2017
                 Shareholder's Funds
                 Share Capital                                             7,953              7,953
                 Reserves & Surplus                                       16,547             16,597
                 Non-Current Liabilities
                 Long Term Borrowings                                      1,000              1,000
                 Long Term Provisions                                      1,101              691
                 Other Long-Term Liabilities                               5,202             5,904
                 Current Liabilities
                 Trade Payables                                            9,905             8,455
                 Short Term Provisions                                      500               475
                 Total                                                    42,208             41,075
                 Non-Current Assets
                 Property Plant & Equipment                               21,488             22,288
                 Goodwill on Consolidation of subsidiary and JV            1,507              1,507
                 Investment Property                                       5,245             5,245
                 Long Term Loans & Advances                                6,350             6,350
                 Current Assets
                 Trade Receivables                                         4,801              1,818
                 Investments ·                                             1,263             3,763
                 Other Current Assets                                      1,554              104
                 Total                                                    42,208             41,075

        Additional Information:
        The Company has entered into a joint arrangement by acquiring 50% of the equity shares of ABC Pvt. Ltd.
        Presently, the same has been accounted as per the proportionate consolidated method. The proportionate share
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