Page 21 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 21
(g) Total [(f) x 1/2] [(f) x 2/2] [(f) x 1/3] [(f) x 2/3] [(f) x 3/3]
Cumulative Cost of
= [(f) x Completed Yrs/ Rs. 43,200 Rs. 48,600 Rs. 97,500 Rs.32,480 Rs.66,080 Rs. 99,792
Total Yrs)
(h) Less: 0 0 Rs. 48,600 0 Rs.32,480 Rs. 66,080
Recognized in last years
(i) Expenses to be recognized Rs. 43,200 Rs. 48,600 Rs. 48,900 Rs.32,480 Rs.33,600 Rs. 33,712
(j) Employees not exercising 10 325 - 319 297 - 295 = 2 Employees
ESOP Employees = 6 Employees
(k) Total
Expenses for-
Year 1 Rs. 43,200 (Gr. 1) + Rs. 48,600 (Gr. 2) + Rs. 32,480 (Gr. 3) = Rs. 1,24,280
Year 2 Rs. 48,900 (Gr. 2) + Rs. 33,600 (Gr. 3) = Rs. 82,500
Year 3 Rs. 33,712 (Gr. 3 only)
Employees Benefit Expenses A/c
Year 1
Rs. Rs.
To Share-based Payment Reserve A/c 1,24,280 By Profit and Loss A/c 1,24,280
1,24,280 1,24,280
Year 2
To Share-based Payment Reserve A/c 82,500 By Profit and Loss A/c 82,500
82,500 82,500
Year 3
To Share-based Payment Reserve A/c 33,712 By Profit and Loss A/c 33,712
33,712 33,712
Share-based Payment Reserve A/c
Year 1
Rs. Rs.
To Retained Earnings 1,200 By Employees Benefit 1,24,280
[(360 - 350) Emp x 12 Expenses A/c
Options x Rs. 10]
To Share Capital By Bank A/c
(350 Emp x 12 Options 4,20,000 (350 Emp x 12 5,25,000
x Rs. 100) Options x Rs. 125)
To Securities Premium (350
Emp x 12 Options x Rs. 1,47,000
To Balance c/d 81,080
6,49,280 6,49,280