Page 20 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 20

As per paragraph 58 of Ind AS 103, contingent consideration classified as equity should not be re-measured
        and its subsequent settlement should be accounted for within equity.
        In the given case, the obligation to pay contingent consideration amounting to Rs. 25,00,000 is recognised as a

        part of equity and therefore not be re-measured subsequently or on issuance of shares.

        (i) In the given case, the amount of purchase consideration to be recognized on initial recognition is as

                          Fair value shares issued (10,00,000 x Rs. 20)   Rs. 2,00,00,000
                          Fair value of contingent consideration                Rs. 25,00,000
                          Total purchase consideration                          Rs. 2,25,00,000
        (ii) Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration payable for business combination
        In the given case, the contingent consideration will be classified as liability as per Ind AS 32.

        As per paragraph 58 of Ind AS 103, contingent consideration not classified as equity should be measured at
        fair value at each reporting date and changes in fair value should be recognised in profit or loss.
        As at 31st March, 20X2 (being the date of settlement of contingent consideration), the liability would be
        measured at its fair value and the resulting loss of Rs. 15,00,000 (Rs. 40,00,000 – Rs. 25,00,000) should be
        recognised in the profit or loss for the period. A Ltd. would recognize issuance of 1,60,000 (Rs. 40,00,000 /
        25) shares at a premium of Rs. 15 per share.

        Solution 10

        Total number of Options per employee = 60

                 Group I - 20% vesting in Year 1 Group II - 40% vesting in Year 2  Group III - 40% vesting in Yr. 3
                 = 12 options,                = 24 options,                = 24 options,
                 Vesting period = 1 Yr.       Vesting period = 2 Yrs.      Vesting period = 3 Yrs.
                   Computation of Expenses for all the years
        Group = No. of Options   Group I = 12   Group II = 24 Options             Group III = 24 Options
                                   Year 1       Year 1       Year 2       Year 1       Year 2          Year 3

     (a) Employees at year end =  400 - 40 =   400 - 40 =   360 - 35 =   400 - 40 =   360 - 35 =     325 - 28 =
        No. of Employees -          360          360          325          360          325             297
     (b) Expected to leave in       NA            36          NA       36 + 34 =         30             NA
        future                                                             70
        (c) No. of                  360          324          325          290          295             297
        employees eligible (a - b)

        (d) Options            (360 x 12 sh.)  (324 x 24   (325 x 24    (290 x 24    (295 x 24       (297 x 24
        expected to Vest =                       sh.)         sh.)        sh.)          sh.)            sh.)
        [(c) x No. of Shares]      4,320        7,776        7,800        6,960        7,080           7,128
        (e) FV per option =        Rs. 10      Rs. 12.50    Rs. 12.50     Rs. 14       Rs. 14          Rs. 14
     (f) Value of Total Options    Rs. 43,200   Rs. 97,200   Rs. 97,500   Rs. 97,440   Rs. 99,120     Rs. 99,792
        = [d x e]

   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25