Page 26 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 26

Total                                                       1,25,000
        Note: The cost of purchase excludes the refundable purchase taxes paid on acquisition of the goods as the Rs.

        10,000 paid will be refunded to the retailer.
        Ind  AS  2  specifically  exclude  selling  cost  from  forming  part  of  cost  of  inventory.  However,  selling  and
        distribution costs are generally used as single term because both are related, as selling costs are incurred to
        effect the sale and the distribution costs are incurred by the seller to complete a sale transaction by making
        the goods available to the buyer from the point of sale to the point at which the buyer takes possession.
        Since these costs are not related to bringing the goods to their present location and condition, the same are

        not  included  in the  cost  of  inventories.  Accordingly,  though the  word  ―distribution  costs‖  is  not  specifically
        mentioned in Ind AS 2, these costs would continue to be excluded from the cost of inventories. Therefore, it
        excludes the selling expenses incurred (i.e., Rs. 2,000 delivery costs and Rs. 3,000 other selling costs).

        (ii)  Paragraph 16 of Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, inter alia states that the cost of an item of

            property, plant and equipment comprises the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the
            item and restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs either when
            the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular period for purposes
            other than to produce inventories during that period.
        Further, paragraph 18 of Ind AS 16 states that an entity applies Ind AS 2 to the costs of obligations for
        dismantling, removing and restoring the site on which an item is located that are incurred during a particular

        period as a consequence of having used the item to produce inventories during that period. The obligations for
        costs accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 2 or Ind AS 16 are recognised and measured in accordance with
        Ind AS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
        Paragraph 16 of Ind AS 16 clarifies that decommissioning costs that meet the recognition criteria under Ind AS

        37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, for a provision are added to the cost of an item
        of property, plant and equipment if such costs are not incurred through the asset‖s use to produce inventories.
        Paragraph  18  fills  the  gap  by  clarifying  where  such  costs  are  incurred  through  the  asset‖s  use  to  produce
        inventories, they are added to the cost of inventories.
        Where the obligation to restore the asset arises due to the use of the asset to produce inventories but not due
        to the asset‖s installation, construction or acquisition, the costs are added to the costs of inventories.

        Based on the above provisions and discussion, cost of restoring the site Rs. 20,000 incurred during the period
        of production as a consequence of having used the item to produce inventories during that period should be
        added to the cost of inventories. However, later the inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net
        realisable value in accordance with paragraph 9 of Ind AS 2.

        Solution 17
        To determine the diluted EPS of Company P, the diluted EPS of Company S has to be calculated first.

                 Calculation of Company S’s  diluted EPS:
                 Company S‖s earnings for the period                                           Rs. 30,000
                 Weighted average ordinary shares                                              10,000
                 Incremental shares (refer W.N.)                                               200
                 Company S‖s diluted EPS                                        Rs. 30,000/ (10,000 + 200)

                                                                                               Rs. 2.94
                 Calculation of Company P‖s diluted EPS:

   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30