Page 23 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 23

3.    Interest   and   dividend   received   on  Investing activities   Investing activities
                           investments in subsidiaries, associates and
                           in other entities

                     4.    Dividend  paid  on  preference  and  equity  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           shares,  including  tax  on  dividend  paid  on
                           preference  and  equity  shares  by  other
                     5.    Finance  charges  paid  by lessee under  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           finance lease
                     6.    Payment towards reduction of outstanding  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           finance lease liability
                      7.   Interest paid to vendor for acquiring fixed  Financing activities   Financing activities
                           asset under deferred payment basis
                     8.    Principal  sum  payment  under  deferred  Investing activities   Investing activities
                           payment  basis  for  acquisition  of  fixed
                     9.    Penal interest received from customers for  Operating Activities   Operating Activities
                           late payments
                     10.   Penal   interest   paid   to suppliers for  Operating Activities   Operating Activities
                           late payments
                     11.   Interest paid on delayed tax payments   Operating Activities   Operating Activities
                     12.   Interest  received   on  tax refunds   Operating Activities   Operating Activities

        Solution 12
        For determination of amortisation of the intangible asset, which has finite useful life, two elements need to

        be determined: useful life and residual value.
        Useful life is defined as:
        (a)  the period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity; or
        (b)  the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by an entity.
        In the instant case, since the entity expects that the asset will be available for use by it for the period of 5
        years and thereafter it will be transferred, the useful life of the asset is 5 years.

        For residual value, paragraphs 100-102 of Ind AS 38 states that the residual value of an intangible asset with
        a finite useful life shall be assumed to be zero unless:
        (a)  there is a commitment by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of its useful life; or
        (b)  there is an active market (as defined in Ind AS 113) for the asset and:
             (i)   residual value can be determined by reference to that market; and

             (ii)  it is probable that such a market will exist at the end of the asset‖s useful life.
        The depreciable amount of an asset with a finite useful life is determined after deducting its residual value. A
        residual value other than zero implies that an entity expects to dispose of the intangible asset before the end
        of its economic life.
        An  estimate  of  an  asset‖s  residual  value  is  based  on  the  amount  recoverable  from  disposal  using  prices

        prevailing at the date of the estimate for the sale of a similar asset that has reached the end of its useful
        life and has operated under conditions similar to those in which the asset will be used.
        On application of above paragraphs, the depreciable amount of the patent will be determined after deducting

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