Page 25 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 25

Solution 14

        Paragraph 18 of Ind AS 105 provides that immediately before the initial classification of the asset (or disposal
        group) as held for sale, the carrying amounts of the asset (or all the assets and liabilities in the group) shall
        be measured in accordance with applicable Ind AS.
        In the instant case, Company A should measure the property, plant and equipment (for which it has adopted

        cost  model),  in  accordance  with  Ind  AS  16,  Property,  Plant  and  Equipment.  Hence,  depreciation  should  be
        provided upto 31st May, 20X0.

        Solution 15

        As per para 68 of Ind AS 37, onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the
        obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it. The unavoidable
        cost under a contract reflects the least net cost of exiting from the contract, which is the lower of the cost
        of fulfilling it and any compensation for penalties arising from failure to fulfilling it.

        Ind  AS  37  provides  that  the  amount  recognised  shall  be  the  best  estimate  of  the  expenditure  required  to
        settle the present obligation, which is the amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation
        at the end of the reporting period or to transfer it to a third party at that time. In case of onerous contracts,
        an amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation would be the lower of the compensation

        or  penalties  arising  from  failure  to  fulfil  the  contacts  and  excess  of  unavoidable  cost  of  meeting  the
        obligations under the contract from the economic benefits expected to be received under it.
        As per para 68 of Ind AS 37, the cost of fulfilling a contract comprises the costs that relate directly to the
        contract. Costs that relate directly to a contract consist of both -
        (a)  the incremental costs of fulfilling that contract—for example, direct labour and materials; and
        (b)  an allocation of other costs that relate directly to fulfilling contracts— for example, an allocation of the

             depreciation charge for an item of property, plant and equipment used in fulfilling that contract among
        The unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract are only costs that:
          "are directly variable with the contract and therefore incremental to the performance of the contract;"
          do not include allocated or shared costs that will be incurred regardless of whether the entity fulfils the

            contract or not; and
          cannot be avoided by the entity's future actions.
        Accordingly,  HVCL  has  correctly  measured  the  cost  for  creation  of  provision  for  onerous  contracts  by
        considering material cost, labour cost (to the extent it relates directly to production) and material overheads
        (to the extent it relates directly to production).

        Further, HVCL is correct that the period cost will not be considered for measurement of cost for the purpose
        of creation of provision on onerous contracts as they do not relate directly to fulfilling the contracts.

        Solution 16

        (i)  Calculation of Inventory cost:
                           Particulars                                             Amount (Rs.)
                           Purchase Price (1,30,000 – 20,000 – 10,000)                 1,00,000
                           Non-refundable import duties                                 20,000

                           Transport cost                                                 5,000

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