Page 10 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 10

(iv)  Dividend payable                    150              230
                   (b)  Provisions

                        (i)   Warranty provision
                                                                  600              445
                        (ii)  Provisions for accrued leave
                                                                  35               25
                   Total current liabilities
                                                                  2,440            2,310
                   Total liabilities
                                                                  6,005            6,335
                   Total equity and liabilities                   10,790           10,275
        Working Notes:
               Notes   Particulars        Basis                             Calculation       Amount

                                                                            ` in crore        ` in crore

              1        Property,  plant  and  Property,  plant  and  equipment  (PPE)  5,200 – 1,610   3,590
                       equipment          at cost less Accumulated (depreciation   (4,700 – 1,240)   (3,460)
                                          on PPE
              2        Inventory          Inventory  at  cost  add  Inventory  at  fair 1,500 + 180   1,680
                                          value less cost to complete and sell   (1,650 + 130)   (1,780)

              3        Trade  and  other  Accounts  receivable  less  Provision  for  2,300 – 200   2,100
                       receivables        doubtful receivables              (1,800 – 65)      (1,735)

              4        Cash   and   cash  Cash and Cash equivalents         250 + 70          320
                       equivalents                                          (170 + 30)        (200)
              5        Other Equity       Retained  earnings  at  the  beginning  of  1,875 + 1,200–
                                          the  year  add  Profit  for  the  year  less   160 – 90   2,825
                                          Non-controlling  interest’s  share  of
                                                                            (1,740 + 830 –
                                          profit  for  the  year  less  Dividend
                                                                            150 – 70)         (2,350)
                                          declared by A Limited

              6        Long-term debt     Long-term  debt  less  Due  on  1st  3,300 – 500    2,800
                                          January each year                 (3,885 – 500)     (3,385)
              7        Trade   &    other  Trade   payables   add    Accrued  880 + 15        895
                       payables           expenses                          (790 + 30)        (820)

              8        Current  portion  of  Due on 1st January each year   -                 500
                       long- term debt                                      -                 (500)

                  Note: Figures in brackets represent the figures for the comparative year.

        (b)  At the effective date of the modification (at the beginning of Year 7), Lessee  remeasures the lease
             liability based on:

             (a)  Remaining lease term = 8 years
             (b)  Annual payments = ` 1,00,000 and
             (c)  Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate = 7% p.a.
                  The modified lease liability equals  ` 5,97,100 (W.N.1). The lease liability immediately before the
                  modification  (including  the  recognition  of  the  interest  expense  until  the  end  of  Year  6)  is  `

                  3,46,355 (W.N.3). Lessee recognises the difference between the carrying amount of the modified
                  lease liability and the carrying amount of the lease liability immediately before the modification
                  (i.e., ` 2,50,745) (W.N.4) as an adjustment to the ROU Asset.

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