Page 11 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 11

Journal Entry

                                                                             `          `
                     ROU Asset A/c                   Dr.                     2,50,745
                         To Lease Liability A/c                                         2,50,745

                     (Being  difference  in  lease  liability  on  account  of
                     modification of lease adjusted through ROU Asset A/c)
        Working Notes:
        1.  Calculation of present value of modified lease liability at the beginning of 7th year
                       Year    Lease  Present value factor @ 7% (B)        Present  value  of  lease
                               (A)                                         payments (A x B = C)

                       7       1,00,000          0.935                     93,500
                       8       1,00,000          0.873                     87,300
                       9       1,00,000          0.816                     81,600

                         10    1,00,000          0.763                     76,300
                         11    1,00,000          0.713                     71,300
                         12    1,00,000          0.666                     66,600

                         13    1,00,000          0.623                     62,300
                         14    1,00,000          0.582                     58,200
                       PV of the modified lease  liability at the beginning of the
                       7th year                                            5,97,100

        2.  Calculation of present value of lease liability at the commencement date
                       Year      Lease Payment (A)    Present value factor @ 6% PV of  lease  payments  (A  x  B
                                                      (B)                     = C)
                       1         1,00,000             0.943                   94,300

                       2         1,00,000             0.890                   89,000
                       3         1,00,000             0.840                   84,000
                       4         1,00,000             0.792                   79,200

                       5         1,00,000             0.747                   74,700
                       6         1,00,000             0.705                   70,500
                       7         1,00,000             0.665                   66,500

                       8         1,00,000             0.627                   62,700
                       9         1,00,000             0.592                   59,200
                         10      1,00,000             0.558                   55,800
                       Present value of the lease liability at the commencement date  7,35,900

        3.  Calculation of lease liability immediately before the modification date
                      Year    Opening      lease Interest @ 6%   Lease   payments Closing liability
                              liability (A)     (B) = [A x 6%]   (C)              (D) = [A+B-C]

                      1       7,35,900          44,154           1,00,000         6,80,054
                      2       6,80,054          40,803           1,00,000         6,20,857

                                                                                                       35. 10
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16