Page 13 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
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classified as item of property, plant and equipment for ` 31,70,000.
        (ii)  In the Consolidated Financial Statements: The consolidated financial statements present the parent and
             its  subsidiary  as  a  single  entity.  The  consolidated  entity  uses  the  building  for  the  supply  of  goods.

             Therefore,  the  leased-out  property  to  a  subsidiary  does  not  qualify  as  investment  property  in  the
             consolidated financial statements. Hence, the whole building will be classified as an item of Property,
             Plant and Equipment for ` 63,40,000..


        (i)  The Framework for integrated reporting has been written primarily in the context of private sector, for-
            profit companies of any size but it can also be applied, adapted as necessary, by public sector and not-

            for-profit organizations.
        (ii)  An integrated report may be prepared in response to existing compliance requirements. For example, an
            organization may be required by local law to prepare a management commentary or other report that
            provides  context  for  its  financial  statements.  If  that  report  is  also  prepared  in  accordance  with  this
            Framework, it can be considered as an integrated report. If the report is required to include specified

            information beyond that required by th e Framework, the report can still be considered as an integrated
            report if that other information does not obscure the concise information required by the Framework.

        (c)  Segment information
        (A)  Information about operating segment

        (1)  The company’s operating segments comprise:
                  Coatings: consisting of decorative, automotive, industrial paints and related activities.
                  Others: consisting of chemicals, polymers and related activities.
        (2)  Segment revenues, results and other information.                            (` in Lakh)

                              Revenue                       Coating     Others        Total
                        1.    External Revenue (gross)      2,00,000    70,000        2,70,000
                              Less: GST                     (5,000)     (3,000)       (8,000)
                              Total Revenue (net)           1,95,000    67,000        2,62,000

                              Other Operating Income        40,000      15,000        55,000
                              Total Revenue                 2,35,000    82,000        3,17,000
                        2.    Results
                              Segment results               10,000      4,000         14,000

                              Unallocated income   (net  of                           3,000
                              unallocated expenses)
                              Profit  from  operation  before                         17,000
                              interest, taxation and exceptional
                              Interest and bank charges                               (2,000)
                              Profit before exceptional items                         15,000

                              Exceptional items                                       Nil
                              Profit before taxation                                  15,000
                              Income Taxes
                              -Current taxes                                          (1,950)

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