Page 16 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 16

Calculation of amortised cost of loan to employees

                     Financial year    Amortised       cost Interest  to  be Repayment   Amortised cost
                     Ending on         (opening balance)   recognize   @ (including    (closing
                                                           10%            interest)    balance)
                     31st March
                     20X2              13,54,602           1,35,460       3,90,000     11,00,062
                     20X3              11,00,062           1,10,006       3,72,000     8,38,068

                     20X4              8,38,068            83,807         3,54,000     5,67,875
                     20X5              5,67,875            56,788         3,36,000     2,88,663
                     20X6              2,88,663            29,337*        3,18,000     -

                  * 2,88,663 x 10% = ` 28,866. Difference of ` 471 (29,337 – 28,866) is due to approximation in

        Journal Entries to be recorded at every period end
        1.  On 1st  April, 20X1

                       Particulars                                  Dr. Amount (`)  Cr. Amount (`)
                       Loan to employee A/c                Dr.      13,54,602
                       Prepaid employee cost A/c           Dr.      1,45,398

                               To Bank A/c                                          15,00,000
                       (Being loan asset recorded at initial fair value)

        2.  On 31st March, 20X2

                       Particulars                                    Dr. Amount    Cr. Amount
                                                                      (`)           (`)
                       Bank A/c                                   Dr.  3,90,000

                             To Finance income A/c (profit and loss) @10%           1,35,460
                             To Loan to employee A/c                                2,54,540
                       (Being  first  instalment  of  repayment  of  loan
                       accounted for using the amortised cost and effective
                       interest rate @ 10%)
                       Employee benefit cost (profit and loss) A/c   Dr.  29,080

                             To Prepaid employee cost A/c (1,45,398/5)              29,080
                       (Being  amortization  of  pre-paid  employee  cost
                       charged to profit and loss as employee benefit cost)
                  The following housing loan balances should appear in the financial statements:

        Extracts of Balance Sheet of Star Ltd. as at 31st March, 20X2

                       Non-current asset
                          Financial asset
                               Loan to employee (11,00,062 – 3,72,000 + 1,10,006)     8,38,068

                         Other non-current asset
                               Prepaid employee cost                                  87,238
                       Current asset
                          Financial asset

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