Page 120 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 120

Physical  Verification  &  Cases  it  is  Old Course – (N09E, M13M, M15R, N15E, M16M, PM17, M17M,
        60.000   Impractical                                            M18R, M18M, M18E, M20R, SM21, N22M)
                 TITANIUM CNO--SA501.040/SA501.080                                               New Course – (SM23)
                 XYZ Ltd supplies navy uniforms across the country The company has 4 warehouses at different locations
                 throughout the India and 5 warehouses at the borders The major stocks are generally supplied from the
                 borders XYZ Ltd appointed M/s MNO & Co to conduct its audit for the financial year 2016-17 Mr O, partner
                 of M/s MNO & Co, attended all the physical inventory counting conducted throughout the India but could
                 not attend the same at borders due to some unavoidable reason.
                 You are required to advise M/s MNO & Co,
                 (a) How sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the existence and condition of inventory may
                 be obtained?
                 (b)  How  is  an  auditor  supposed  to  deal  when  attendance  at  physical  inventory  counting  is
                 "RIM  Private  Ltd  is  engaged  in  the  business  of  manufacturing  of  water  bottles  and  is  experiencing
                 significant increase in turnover year on year. During the financial year ended 31 March 2019, the company
                 carried out a detailed physical verification of its inventory and property, plant and equipment.

                 You are the auditor of RIM Private Ltd. The inventory as at the end of the year was ` 2.25 crores. Due to
                 unavoidable circumstances, you could not be present at the time of annual physical verification.
                 Under the above circumstances how would you ensure that the physical verification conducted by
                 the management was in order?"
                 The  Engagement  Partner  of  the  audit  team  of  High  Inventory  Limited  assessed  that  the  inventory  is
                 material with respect to the audit of the financial statement for the current period. Upon inquiring with
                 the management, the Engagement Partner identified that the management will be performing an annual
                 physical  inventory  count  at  all  the  warehouses  where  the  entity  stores  and  maintains  its  inventory.
                 Moreover, management confirmed in its written representation that they will be performing a 100%
                 physical count of inventory for the current period. As a result, the engagement Partner decided not to
                 perform any physical count of inventory as it will be a duplication of the work. Moreover, he decided that
                 the written representation from management stating “the inventory exists and is in appropriate physical
                 condition” will be sufficient and appropriate with respect to audit evidence to conclude that the inventory
                 balance in the financial statement is free from any material misstatement. In the light of SA 501, evaluate
                 whether the decision taken by the Engagement Partner is appropriate or not.

        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 501, Audit Evidence- Specific Considerations for Selected Items

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Sufficient & Appropriate Evidence: - When inventory is material obtain S&A evidence for
                        Existence & Condition
                        As  per  SA 501  When  inventory  is material to the  financial  statements, the  auditor  shall  obtain
                        sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the existence and condition of inventory by:

                     ➢  Two steps to obtain evidence
                            •   Step  1:  -  Attend  physical  verification  and  perform  following  Evaluate  Mgt
                               instructions & procedures, obtain evidence foe reliability of procedures / Observe
                               counting / Inspect inventory / Perform test counts
                               Attendance at physical inventory counting, unless impracticable
                                   •  Evaluate management’s instructions and procedures for recording and controlling
                                       the results of the entity’s physical inventory counting; Obtaining audit evidence as
                                       to the reliability of management’s count procedure
                                   •  Observe the performance of management’s count procedures
                                   •  Inspect the inventory; and
                                   •  Perform test counts; and

                            •   Step 2: - Performing audit procedures on final inventory records and comparing
                               them with actual inventory count results                                                      PARAM                               5.7 | P a g e
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