Page 122 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 122

SA  505  establishes  requirements  and  provides  guidance  for  performing  external  confirmation

                  ➢  Other Audit Procedures
                     Depending on the circumstances, for example where information is obtained that raises doubt about
                     the integrity and objectivity of the third party, the auditor may consider it appropriate to perform
                     other audit procedures instead of, or in addition to, confirmation with the third party. Examples of
                     other audit procedures include:
                      •  Inspecting documentation regarding inventory held by third parties, for example, warehouse
                      •  Requesting confirmation from other parties when inventory has been pledged as collateral.
                         (Warehouse Owner)
                      •  Obtaining another auditor’s report, or a service auditor’s report, on the adequacy of the third
                         party’s  internal  control  for  ensuring  that  inventory  is  properly  counted  and  adequately
                      •  Attending, or arranging for another auditor to attend, the third party’s physical counting of
                         inventory, if practicable.

        QNO      Direct Communication Without Informing Management                      New Course – (SM23)
        60.055   TITANIUM CNO-- SA501.120
                 On reviewing legal expenses account of Zed Ltd., CA. Sunitha, auditor of company, finds that legal fees
                 amounting to ₹ 10 lac was paid to B. George, a reputed lawyer, during the year 2022- 23. On inquiry with
                 management regarding the purpose of such expenditure, evasive reply was received from management
                 stating that a lot of work is performed by the said lawyer on behalf of the company. However, no specific
                 details were provided.

                 She finds it proper to correspond directly with the lawyer. She obtains the address and mail id of the
                 lawyer from his professional services bill. She shoots off an inquiry letter asking for the nature and status
                 of litigation claims against the company on her letterhead.

                 Is her approach proper? Irrespective of the merits of the approach followed by her, what she is trying to
                 achieve by corresponding with lawyer of the company?
        Answer  SA 501 states that when audit procedures performed indicate that material litigation or claims may exist,
                 the auditor shall seek direct communication with the entity’s external legal counsel. The auditor shall do so
                 through a letter of inquiry prepared by management and sent by the auditor, requesting the entity’s external
                 legal counsel to communicate directly with the auditor.

                 Therefore, her approach in communicating with an external lawyer is wrong. She has to make management
                 aware of her intention to communicate directly with the lawyer. The letter of enquiry has to be prepared by
                 management and sent by her.

                 Her purpose in corresponding with the lawyer of the company is to identify litigation and claims involving
                 the entity which may give rise to a risk of material misstatement. It is due to the reason that litigation and
                 claims involving the entity may have a material effect on the financial statements and thus may be required
                 to be disclosed or accounted for in the financial statements.

                 Understanding methods used by management for determining                Old Course -- (N20E)
        60.060   segment information                                                     New Course – (SM23)
                 TITANIUM CNO--SA501.140/SA501.160
                 GHK Associates, Chartered Accountants, conducting the audit of PBS Ltd., a listed company for the year
                 ended 31.03.2020 is concerned with the presentation and disclosure of segment information included in
                 Company's Annual Report. GHK Associates want to ensure that methods adopted by management for
                 determining segment information have resulted in disclosure in accordance with the applicable financial
                 reporting framework. Guide GHK Associates with 'Examples of Matters' that may be relevant when
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