Page 123 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 123

obtaining an understanding of the methods used by the management with reference to the relevant
                 Standards on Auditing.
        Answer  The  auditors,  GHK  Associates  wanted  to  ensure  and  obtain  sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence
                 regarding the presentation and disclosure of segment information in accordance with the applicable
                 financial reporting framework by obtaining an understanding of the methods used by management in
                 determining  segment  information.  SA  501  guides  in  this  regard.  As  per  SA  501-  “Audit  Evidence—
                 Specific Considerations for Selected Items”, example of matters that may be relevant when obtaining
                 an  understanding  of  the  methods  used  by  management  in  determining  segment  information  and
                 whether such methods are likely to result in disclosure in accordance with the applicable financial
                 reporting framework include:

                    (i)   Sales, transfers and charges between segments, and elimination of inter-segment amounts.

                    (ii)   Comparisons with budgets and other expected results, for example, operating profits as a
                         percentage of sales.

                    (iii)  The allocation of assets and costs among segments.

                    (iv)  Consistency  with  prior  periods,  and  the  adequacy  of  the  disclosures  with  respect  to

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