Page 144 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 144

statements, as would be the case, for example, if such events call into question
                                          the validity of the going concern assumption.
                                          (E.g. Sale of Long-term Investments)

        QNO      Financial Statements Reopened by BOD                                     Old Course – (N18E)
        85.100   TITANIUM CNO--SA560.100                                                New Course – (SM23)

                 Amudhan & Co. are the Auditors of XYZ Company Ltd., for the year ended on 31/03/2018. The Audit Report
                 for that year was signed by the Auditors on 04/05/2018. The Annual General Meeting was decided to be
                 held during the month of August 2018. On 06/05/2018, the Company had received a communication from
                 the  Central  Government  that  an  amount  of  Rs.5800  crores  kept  pending  on  account  of  incentives
                 pertaining to Financial Year 2017-18 had been approved and the amount would be paid to the Company
                 before the end of May 2018. To a query to Chief Financial officer of the Company by the Board, it was
                 informed that this amount had not been recognised in the Audited Financial Statements in view of the

                 same not being released before the close of the Financial Year and due to uncertainty of receipt. Now,
                 having  received  the  amount,  the  Board  of  Directors  wished  to  include  this  amount  in  the  Financial
                 Statements  of  the  Company  for  the  Financial  Year  ended  on  31/03/2018. On  08/05/2018, the  Board
                 amended the accounts, approved the same and requested the Auditor to consider this event and issue a
                 fresh Audit Report on the Financial Statements for the year ended on 31/03/2018. Analyse the issues
                 involved and give your views as to whether or not the Auditors could accede to the request of the
                 Board of Directors.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 560, Subsequent Events

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Facts Which Become Known to the Auditor After the Date of the Auditor’s Report but
                        Before the Date the Financial Statements are Issued:

                 SA 560
                            •   No obligation to perform audit procedures after date of audit report
                               As per SA 560, “Subsequent Events”, the auditor has no obligation to perform any audit
                               procedures regarding the financial statements after the date of the auditor’s report.

                            •   If information would have changed opinion, then audit procedures required
                               However, when, after the date of the auditor’s report but before the date the financial
                               statements are issued, a fact becomes known to the auditor that, had it been known to
                               the auditor at the date of the auditor’s report, may have caused the auditor to amend the
                               auditor’s report, the auditor shall
                                   •  Discuss the matter with management and, where appropriate, those charged
                                       with governance
                                   •  Determine whether the financial statements need amendment and, if  so,
                                   •  Inquire  how  management  intends  to  address  the  matter  in  the  financial
                                   •  If management amends the financial statements, the auditor shall carry out the
                                       audit procedures necessary in the circumstances on the amendment. Further, the
                                       auditor shall extend the audit procedures and provide a new auditor’s report
                                       on the amended financial statements. However, the new auditor’s report shall
                                       not  be  dated  earlier  than  the  date  of  approval  of  the  amended  financial
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  In the instant case, XYZ Company Ltd. received an amount of rupees 5800 crore on account of
                        incentives pertaining to year 2017-18 in the month of May 2018 i.e. after finalization of financial
                        statements and signing of audit report. Board of Directors of XYZ Ltd. amended  the accounts,
                        approved the same and requested the Amudhan & Co. (auditor) to consider this event and issue a
                        fresh audit report on the financial statements for the year ended on 31.03.2018.

                 Part IV -- Conclusion
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