Page 146 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 146

▪  SA 560, Subsequent Events
                     ▪  AS 4 “Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance Sheet Date”
                     ▪  AS 29 "Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent Assets"
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                 AS 4-
                     ➢  Conditions Exiting at B/S Date: - If events occurring after b/s date provide additional info
                        relating to conditions which existed on B/s date then adjustments should be done to assets
                        & liabilities
                        As per AS 4, adjustments to assets and liabilities are required for events occurring after the balance
                        sheet  date  that  provide  additional  information  materially  affecting  the  determination  of  the
                        amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date.

                 AS 29 -
                     ➢  Future Events: - Future events affecting amount required to be settled should be reflected
                        in amount of provision
                        Similarly, as per AS 29 "Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent Assets", future events that
                        may affect the amount required to settle an obligation should be reflected in the amount of a
                        provision where there is sufficient objective evidence that they will occur.

                 SA 560 -
                     ➢  Duty of Auditor: - Auditor should obtain S&A evidence that effect of subsequent events
                        is taken as per applicable FRF requiring adjustments or disclosures
                        As per SA 560 “Subsequent Events”, the auditor should assure that all events occurring subsequent
                        to the date of the financial statements and for which the applicable financial reporting framework
                        requires adjustment or disclosure have been adjusted or disclosed.
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  Long Pending Salary Negotiations / Arrears of Salary is finalised on 30-04-17 / Audit
                        Report to be Signed on 31-05-17 / It is a subsequent event identified before signing audit
                        report, which needs adjustment in balance sheet
                        In the instant case, the amount of Rs1.50 crores is a material amount and it is the result of an event,
                        which has occurred after the Balance Sheet date. The information has become known to the auditor
                        before the date of issue of the Audit Report and Financial Statements.

                 Part IV -- Conclusion
                     ➢  Long Pending Salary Negotiations / Conditions exist as on balance sheet date / AS 4 & AS
                        29 require provisioning of Rs 1.5 Cr in current year / Request Mgt to adjust amount / If
                        Mgt doesn’t accept then auditor should qualify audit report
                        It will be observed that as a result of long pending negotiations a sum of Rs 1.50 cores representing
                        arrears  of  salaries  of  the  year  2015-16  and  2016-17  have  not  been  included  in  the  financial
                        statements. It is quite clear that the obligation requires provision for outstanding expenses
                        as per AS 4 and AS 29.
                        The auditor has to perform the procedure to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence covering the
                        period from the date of the financial statements i.e. 31-3-2017 to the date of Auditors Report i.e..

                        So, the auditor should  request  the  management  to  adjust  the  sum  of  Rs  1.50  crores  by
                        making provision for expenses. If the management does not accept the request the auditor
                        should qualify the audit report.
                 Author’s Note

                 Here Successful Negotiation doesn’t mean, company doesn’t have to pay. It means company has to pay
                 only 1.5 crore because of successful negotiations.

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