Page 148 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 148

Requesting  written  representations  from  management  and,  where  appropriate,  those
                             charged with governance, regarding their plans for future actions and the feasibility of these

                   ➢  Auditor Conclusions about Material Uncertainty and Going Concern
                      The auditor shall evaluate whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained regarding,
                      and  shall  conclude  on,  the  appropriateness  of  management’s  use  of  the  going  concern  basis  of
                      accounting in the preparation of the financial statements.

                   ➢  Disclosure –
                      Adequacy of Disclosures When Events or Conditions Have Been Identified but No Material
                      Uncertainty Exists.
                      If events or conditions have been identified that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to
                      continue as a going concern but, based on the audit evidence obtained the auditor concludes that no
                      material uncertainty exists, the auditor shall evaluate whether, in view of the requirements of the
                      applicable financial reporting framework, the financial statements provide adequate disclosures about
                      these events or conditions.

                 Part III—Case Discussion
                     ➢  In the instant case, the approval of the resolution plan is a significant mitigating factor to
                        counter  the  going  concern  issues  of  AQP  Ltd.  PQR  Ltd  has  submitted  a  detailed  plan  and
                        commitments that has been given as part of the resolution plan which includes clearance of all
                        outstanding debts which were leading to negative cash flows.

                 Part IV—Conclusion
                     ➢  Therefore,  it  can  be  said  that  the  company  that  the  events  and  conditions  are  mitigated
                        effectively and there is no material uncertainty in relation to the ability of the company to
                        continue as a going concern.
                 Author’s Note
                 •  Factors which compensate going concern risks, reduce it and help going concern assumption, it is
                     called mitigating factor
                     For  Example  -  If  there  is  fund  shortages  and  holding  company  has  promised  to  send  funds  it  is
                     mitigating factor

                 •  How  did  the  auditor  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  material  uncertainty  related  to  going  concern
                     doesn’t exist? The resolution plan  is only a mitigating factor and it does not signify nonexistence of
                     material uncertainty related to going concern?
                         o  Material  uncertainty  means  uncertain  future  events  affecting  going  concern  having  such
                            likelihood and magnitude that disclosure should be made.
                         o  Mitigating factors are one which reduces material uncertainty, so sometimes mitigating factors
                            may nullify material uncertainty.
                         o  There can be circumstances where material uncertainty exists but still chances / probability  of
                            going concern in next 12 months are more and going concern is valid.
                         o  In this case there were matters leading to material uncertainty, but they got compensated by
                            mitigating factors, so resultant there is no material uncertainty.

        QNO      Reporting when Going Concern is appropriate But MU Exists              New Course – (SM23)
        90.090   TITANIUM CNO-- SA570.060
                 Sun Moon Ltd. is a power generating company which uses coal as raw material for its power generating
                 plant. The company has been allotted coal blocks in the state of Jharkhand and Odisha. During the FY
                 2022-23, a scam regarding allotment of coal blocks was unveiled leading to a ban on the allotment of coal
                 blocks to various companies including Sun Moon Ltd. This happened in the month of December 2023 and
                 as such entire power generation process of Sun Moon Ltd, came to a halt in that month. As a result of such
                 ban,  and  the  resultant  stoppage  of  the  production  process,  many  key  managerial  personnel  of  the
                 company left the company. There were delays in the of payment of wages and salaries and the banks from
                 whom the company had taken funds for project financing also decided not to extend further finance or to
                 fund further working capital requirements of the company.                                                      PARAM                               6.8 | P a g e
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