Page 152 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 152

➢  Therefore, considering the above factors it is clear that the going concern basis is inappropriate for
                     the company.
                 ➢  Further, such circumstances are not reflected in the financial statements of the company. As such, the
                     statutory auditor of Sun Moon Ltd. should:
                      •  Express an adverse opinion in accordance with SA 705 (Revised) and
                 In the Basis of Opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report, the statutory auditor should state that a material
                 uncertainty  exists that  may  cast significant  doubt on the  entity’s  ability  to continue as  a going
                 concern and that the financial statements do not adequately disclose this matter.
                 Author’s Note
                 In SA 570 there are questions which are not specific part of SA 570 they are case studies with “bad business

                 ICAI gave following answers which is a mixed bag where explain below points in short

                     1.  Going concern meaning and disclosure in notes to accounts
                     2.  Responsibility of management
                     3.  Auditor Responsibility
                           i.  look for events & condition which create significant doubt
                          ii.  perform additional procedure
                          iii.  conclusion about material uncertainty & disclosure
                          iv.  conclusion about going concern & reporting
                          v.  finally discuss case give conclusion about reporting.

                 NEW APPROACH BY ICAI
                 In QNO 90.050 again we have a bad business story it was given in M19M & N19R where they explained about

                     1.  Events or condition creating significant doubt
                     2.  Additional procedures
                     3.  MU and its disclosure
                     4.  Case discussion
                     5.  Conclusion
                 So we have traditional approach and new approach of answering bad business questions students can
                 follow any approach both will give marks traditional approach is popular as of now and students can use

        QNO      Dealing with Material Uncertainty                    Old Course –  (N18E, SM21, N21M,M23M)
        94.010   TITANIUM CNO--SA570.060                                                New Course –  (SM23)
                 M/s Airlift Ltd., carrying on the business of Passenger Transportation by air is running into continuous
                 financial losses as well as reduction in Sales due to stiff competition and frequent break down of its
                 own aircrafts. The Financial Statements for the Year ended on 31/03/2018 are to be now finalized. The
                 Management is quite uncertain as to its ability to continue in near future and has informed the Auditors
                 that  having  seized  of  this  matter,  it  had  constituted  a  committee  to  study  this  aspect  and  to  give
                 suggestions for recovery, if any, from this bad, situation. Till the study is completed, according to the
                 Management, the issue involves uncertainty as to its ability to continue its business and it informs
                 the Auditor that the fact of uncertainty clamping on the “Going Concern” would suitably be disclosed
                 in notes to accounts. State the reporting requirement if any, in the Independent Auditor’s Report in
                 respect of this matter.
                 TUV Ltd. is a company engaged in the business of manufacture of spare parts. Saroj & Associates are the
                 statutory auditors of the company for the FY 2020-21. During the course of audit, CA Saroj noticed that
                 the company had a major customer, namely, Korean Mart from South Korea. Owing to an outbreak of war
                 and subsequent destruction leading to government ban on import and export in South Korea, the demand
                 from Korean Mart for the products of TUV Ltd. ended for an unforeseeable time period. When discussed
                 with the management, CA Saroj was told that the company is in the process of identifying new customers
                 for their products. CA Saroj understands that though the use of going concern assumption is appropriate
                 but a material uncertainty exists with respect to the identification of new customers. This fact is duly                                                      PARAM                               6.12 | P a g e
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