Page 154 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 154

o  Mitigating factors are one which reduces material uncertainty, so sometimes mitigating factors
                           may nullify material uncertainty.
                       o  There can be circumstances where material uncertainty exists but still chances / probability  of
                           going concern in next 12 months are more and going concern is valid.

        QNO      Drafting Opinion (Material Uncertainty & No Disclosure in FST)   Old Course -- (M22M, M23M)
        94.500   TITANIUM CNO--Unique
                 In the financial year 2020-21, Shreyansh Ltd. faced an extraordinary event (earthquake), which destroyed a
                 lot of business activity of the company. These circumstances indicate material uncertainty on the company’s
                 ability to continue as going concern. Due to such event, it may not be possible for the company to realize
                 its assets or pay off the liabilities during the regular course of its business. The financial statement
                 and notes to the financial statements of the company do not disclose this fact. What kind of opinion should
                 the  statutory  auditor  of  Shreyansh  Ltd.  issue  in  such  circumstances  and  why?  Also,  draft  the
                 opinion and basis for opinion para for the same.
        Answer  In the present case, there exists a material uncertainty that cast a significant doubt on the company’s ability
                 to continue as going concern and the same is not disclosed in the financial statements of Shreyansh Ltd.

                 As such, the financial statements of Shreyansh Ltd. for the FY 2020-21 are materially misstated and the effect
                 of the misstatement is so material and pervasive on the financial statements that giving only a qualified
                 opinion will be insufficient and therefore the statutory auditor of Shreyansh Ltd . should issue an adverse

                 The relevant extract of the Adverse Opinion Paragraph and Basis for Adverse Opinion paragraph is as under:

                 Adverse Opinion
                 In our opinion, because of the omission of the information mentioned in the Basis for Adverse Opinion
                 section of our report, the accompanying financial statements do not present fairly, the financial position of
                 Shreyansh Ltd. as at March 31, 2021, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then
                 ended in accordance with the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of

                 Basis for Adverse Opinion
                 Shreyansh Ltd. has faced an extraordinary event (earthquake), which destroyed a lot of business activity of
                 the company. Due to such event, it may not be possible for the company to realize its assets or pay off the
                 liabilities during the regular course of its business. This situation indicates that a material uncertainty
                 exists that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The
                 financial statement and notes to the financial statements of the company do not disclose this fact.

        QNO      Material uncertainty Not Disclosed                                    Old Course- (N22M, M23R)
        94.600  TITANIUM CNO--SA570.060
                 CA.K is appointed statutory auditor of SEEK INDIA LTD under Companies Act, 2013 for the first time. The
                 company is preparing its accounts keeping in view applicable requirements of Division II of Schedule III of
                 Companies Act, 2013. On scrutiny of financial statements of company put up for audit, it was noticed that
                 notes to accounts show ageing of trade payables as per amended requirements of Schedule III of the
                 Companies Act, 2013.
                 The ageing schedule forming part of notes is as under: -
                 Outstanding for following periods from due date of payment (` In crore)

                  Particulars    Less than 1     1-2 years      2-3 years      More than       Total
                                 year                                          3 years

                  MSME           NIL             NIL            NIL            NIL             NIL
                  Others         2               4              3              1               10
                  Disputed dues-  NIL            NIL            NIL            NIL             NIL
                  Disputed dues-  NIL            NIL            NIL            NIL             NIL
                  others                                                      PARAM                               6.14 | P a g e
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159