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P. 156

Part 3- SA 580

        QNO      Misuse of WR                   Old Course – (N04E, N11R, N13R, N14E, M16M, N16M, SM17, PM17,
        97.000   TITANIUM CNO--SA580.020                                                       M18M, SM21)
                 The auditor of Moon Pvt. Ltd. having turnover of rupees 12 crore, was not able to get the confirmation
                 about the existence and value of certain stock. However, a certificate from the Management has been
                 obtained regarding the existence and value of the stock at the year end. The auditor relied on the
                 same and without any further procedure, signed the Audit Report. Is he right in his approach?
                 M/s GBC & Co auditors of Vishu Ltd, accepted a certificate from management to certify the existence and
                 value of machinery as per records as they were unable to get the confirmation that could prove the
                 existence & value of the machinery State whether acceptance of certificate by GBC & Co is right approach
                 of the auditors.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  SA 580 “Written Representations”

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  WR as Audit Evidence: - Audit Evidence helps in drawing conclusions / WR is also audit
                        evidence / Similar to response of Inquiry / It is necessary audit evidence / But it doesn’t
                        affect NTE of other audit procedures / WR cannot substitute other audit evidence that
                        the auditor could reasonable expect to be available / When we take WR for material item
                        /  obtain  corroborative  audit  evidence  from  other  source  internal  or  external  /  Check
                        whether  representations  are  reasonable  and  consistent    /  WR  should  come  from  well
                        informed individuals
                        As per SA 580 “Written Representations”, when representation relate to matters which are material
                        to the financial information, then the auditor should seek corroborative audit evidence for other
                        sources  inside  or  outside  the  entity.    He  should  evaluate  whether  such  representations  are
                        reasonable and consistent with other evidence and should consider whether individuals making
                        such  representations  can  be  expected  to  be  well  informed  on  the  matter.  “Written
                        Representations”  cannot  be  a  substitute  for  other  audit  evidence  that  the  auditor  could
                        reasonably expect to be available.

                     ➢  No S&A Evidence: - Not able to obtain S&A evidence / Evidence which was reasonable
                        expected / regarding material items in FST / it will be limitation on scope / even though
                        there is WR
                        If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that he believes would be
                        available regarding a matter, which has or may have a material effect on the financial information,
                        this  will  constitute  a  limitation  on  the  scope  of  his  examination  even  if  he  has  obtained  a
                        representation from management on the matter.

                     ➢  Physical Verification: - Primary responsibility of the management / Auditor should examine
                        verification programme and try to attend physical verification / S&A evidence for existence
                        and valuation of stock
                        The physical verification of stock is the primary responsibility of the management. The auditor,
                        however, is required to examine the verification programme adopted by the management. He
                        must satisfy himself about the existence and valuation of stock.
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  Not able to verify existence & value of certain stock / No physical verification/ certificate
                        from management
                        In the case of Moon Pvt. Ltd., the auditor has not been able to verify the existence and value of
                        certain  stock  despite  the  verification  procedure  followed  in  routine  audit.  He  accepted  the
                        certificate given to him by the management without making any further enquiry.

                 Part IV -- Conclusion
                     ➢  Auditor’s stand is not acceptable and not as per SA 580
                        Therefore, the approach adopted by the auditor is not tenable.                                                      PARAM                               6.16 | P a g e
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