Page 155 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 155

Besides above, current ratio, debt-equity ratio, trade payables turnover ratio and net profit ratio disclosed
                 in notes to accounts have slipped drastically as compared to last year and from standard norms. Most of
                 the key financial ratios are in red. There is no other relevant information concerning above in notes to
                 Further, on reviewing bank statement of cash credit limit (against hypothecation of paid stocks), it was
                 noticed that there is no debit transaction in the month of March,2022. On inquiry, he came to know that
                 stock audit of company was conducted in the month of January,2022 and stock auditors have commented
                 vide  their  report  dated  25.2.2022  that  company  had  negative  drawing  power  due  to  high  creditors.
                 Accordingly, the bankers have refused further debits in cash credit account from start of March,2022.
                 There is no information in this respect in financial statements and notes to accounts.
                 Discuss how CA K should deal with above for reporting in his audit report under the Companies Act, 2013
        Answer  In the given situation, it is clear from the ageing schedule that company is not able to pay its creditors on
                 time. Outstanding to creditors for a period of 1 year or more account for 80% of total dues to the creditors

                 of the company from due date of payment. Most of key financial ratios are adverse.

                 Further, bankers have refused further debits in cash credit account due to negative drawing power from
                 March  2022.  Cash  credit  loans  are  repayable  on  demand.  There  is  no  other  information  or  disclosure
                 available how the company plans to run its business without bank finance.

                 All the above factors are indicators that a material uncertainty exists that may cast a significant doubt on the
                 company’s  ability  to  continue  as  going  concern.  There  is  no  express  disclosure  of  this  fact  in  financial

                 Therefore, it is a situation where material uncertainty exists which has cast a significant doubt on company’s
                 ability to continue as going concern in accordance with SA 570, “Going Concern”.

                 Keeping in view above the fact that although a material uncertainty exists casting a significant doubt on the
                 ability of company to continue as going concern, adequate disclosure of material uncertainty is not made in
                 financial statements, CA K shall give qualified or adverse opinion in accordance with SA-705, “Modifications
                 to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report”.

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