Page 163 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 163

International Standards on Auditing or auditing standards of such other jurisdiction, but the auditor
                        shall do so only if:
                           •  There is no conflict between the requirements in the ISAs or such auditing standards of other
                               jurisdiction and those in SAs that would lead the auditor.
                                  •  to form a different opinion, or
                                  •  not to include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph or Other Matter paragraph that, in
                                      the particular circumstances, is required by SAs; and

                           •  The auditor’s report includes, at a minimum, each of the elements set out for audit report as
                               per law.
                    ➢  When the auditor’s report refers to both the ISAs or the auditing standards of a specific jurisdiction and
                        the Standards on Auditing issued by ICAI, the auditor’s report shall clearly identify the same including
                        the jurisdiction of origin of the other auditing standards.

                   Supplementary Information--Additional P&L is given in        Old Course – (M21E, M23R,N23M)
          QNO      Financial Statements which is not required by FRF
                   TITANIUM CNO—SA700.400
                   CA. S has been appointed as Statutory Auditor of SRT Ltd. for the financial year 2020-2021. The Company
                   while  preparing financial  statements  for  the  year  under  audit  prepared  one  additional  profit  and  loss
                   account that disclosed specific items of expenditure and included the same as an appendix to the financial

                   statements. CA. S has not been able to understand this as the additional profit and loss account is not covered
                   under applicable financial reporting framework. Guide him as to how he should deal with this issue while
                   reporting on the financial statements of SRT Ltd.
          Answer  If supplementary information that is not required by the applicable financial reporting framework is
                   presented with the audited financial statements, the auditor shall evaluate whether, in the auditor’s
                   professional judgment, supplementary information is nevertheless an integral part of the financial
                   statements due to its nature or how it is presented.

                   When  it  is  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements,  the  supplementary  information  shall  be
                   covered by the auditor’s opinion.

                   If supplementary information that is not required by the applicable financial reporting framework is
                   not  considered  an  integral  part  of  the  audited  financial  statements,  the  auditor  shall  evaluate
                   whether  such  supplementary  information  is  presented  in  a  way  that  sufficiently  and  clearly
                   differentiates it from the audited financial statements. If this is not the case, then the auditor shall ask
                   management to change how the unaudited supplementary information is presented. If management
                   refuses to do so, the auditor shall identify the unaudited supplementary information and explain in the
                   auditor’s report that such supplementary information has not been audited.

                   When an additional profit and loss account that discloses specific items of expenditure is disclosed as a
                   separate schedule, included as an appendix to the financial statements, the auditor may consider this to be
                   supplementary information that can be clearly differentiated from the financial statements.

                   Thus,  additional  profit  and  loss  account  is  not  considered  an  integral  part  of  the  audited  financial
                   statements  and  the  auditor  shall  evaluate  that  supplementary  information  is  presented  in  a  way  that
                   sufficiently and clearly differentiates it from the audited financial statements.

          QNO      Supplementary Information - Case Study                                  Old Course – (N23R)
          111.070  TITANIUM CNO-- SA700.400
                   XYZ Limited involved in the hospitality business, appointed Charan & Karan Associates as their statutory
                   auditor for FY 2022-23. Management of XYZ Limited, while drawing up the financial statement for the said
                   period,  decided  to  add  the  following  statement  after  the  Statement  of  Cash  Flow  as  supplementary
                   information to be presented with financial statements. No specific mentions or labels were added to this
                   statement to present that this is supplementary information.
                                                      PARAM                              7.3 | P a g e
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