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P. 168

QNO      Whether Key Audit Matter Required - Case Study                          Old Course – (N21R)
          112.150  TITANIUM CNO— SA701.100
                   Mr. Hemant Ramsey was appointed as the engagement partner for conducting the audit of Kshetra Lap
                   Ltd.  for  F.Y.  2020-21,  on  behalf  of  Ramsey  &  Associates.  Mr.  Vishay  Tyagi  was  appointed  as  the
                   engagement quality control reviewer by the firm for the said audit.
                   During F.Y. 2020-21, there was an implementation of ERP system in a phased manner, in Kshetra Lap
                   Ltd. due to which some of its business processes got automated. As a result of the implementation of
                   such a system, there was a significant effect on the auditor’s overall audit strategy. Mr. Hemant discussed
                   the implementation of such a system with Mr. Vishay and also told him that such a matter may be a key
                   audit matter to be reported in the audit report.
                   Mr. Vishay considered the significance of such matter but however he was of the opinion that such a
                   matter did not appear to link with the matters disclosed in the financial statements and so there
                   was no need to disclose such matter as a key audit matter.
                   Whether the contention of Mr. Vishay is proper with respect to the matters to be communicated as a key
                   audit matter?
          Answer  As per SA 701, ‘Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report’, the auditor
                   shall determine, from the matters communicated with those charged with governance, those matters
                   that required significant auditor attention in performing the audit. In making this determination, the
                   auditor shall take into account the following:
                       (i)    Areas  of  higher  assessed  risk  of  material  misstatement,  or  significant  risks  identified  in
                              accordance with SA 315.

                       (ii)   Significant  auditor judgments relating to areas in the financial statements that involved
                              significant  management  judgment,  including  accounting  estimates  that  have  been
                              identified as having high estimation uncertainty.

                       (iii)   The effect on the audit of significant events or transactions that occurred during the period.

                   The auditor shall determine which of the aforesaid matters considered were of most significance in
                   the audit of the financial statements of the current period and therefore are the key audit matters.

                   These aforesaid considerations focus on the nature of matters communicated with those charged with
                   governance. Such matters are often linked to matters disclosed in the financial statements and are intended
                   to reflect areas of the audit of the financial statements that may be of particular interest to intended

                   The fact that these considerations are required is not intended to imply that matters related to them are
                   always key audit matters; rather, matters related to such specific  considerations are key audit matters
                   only if they are determined to be of most significance in the audit.

                   In addition to matters that relate to the specific required considerations, there may be other matters
                   communicated with those charged with governance that required significant auditor attention and that
                   therefore may be determined to be key audit matters. Such matters may include, for example, matters
                   relevant to the audit that was performed that may not be required to be disclosed in the financial
                   statements. For example, the implementation of a new IT system (or significant changes to an existing IT
                   system) during the period may be an area of significant auditor attention, in particular if such a change
                   had a significant effect on the auditor’s overall audit strategy or related to a significant risk
                   (e.g., changes to a system affecting revenue recognition).

                   In the given case, there was implementation of ERP system in the company due to which some of its
                   business processes got automated and which had a significant effect on the auditor’s overall audit
                   strategy during the period.

                   Accordingly, such a matter can be considered as a key audit matter if according to Mr. Hemant, such a
                   matter required significant attention that had affected his overall audit strategy.

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