Page 167 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 167

Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  In the instant case, AKY Ltd., a listed company engaged in the business of software and its contracts
                         with its various customers are also quite complicated and different. Further, the audit team spends
                         significant  time  on  audit  of  revenue  and  efforts  towards  audit  of  revenue  also  involve
                         significant involvement of senior members of the audit team including audit partner during
                         audit. This matter was also discussed with management at various stages. After completion of audit,
                         the  audit  partner  communicated  the  management  regarding  inclusion  of  paragraph  on  revenue
                         recognition as key audit matter in his audit report.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                     ➢  In view of SA 701, the assessment of the auditor is valid as above matter qualifies to be a key audit
                         matter in the opinion of auditor. Hence, it should be reported accordingly by the auditor in his audit

          QNO      Determining Key Audit Matters                                          New Course – (SM23)
          112.125  TITANIUM CNO-- SA 701.100
                   "Below is draft extract of audit report of a listed company. Para (A) below reflects certain matter stated
                   in audit report communicated with CFO of company and Para (B) is in nature of auditor’s response to said

                   (A) The Company recognizes revenues when the control of goods is transferred to the customer at the net
                   consideration which the Company expects to receive for those goods from customers in accordance with
                   contracts terms and conditions.

                   The terms of sales arrangements based on the terms and conditions of relevant contract and nature of
                   discount and rebates create complexities that require judgment in determining revenues.

                   (B) We read the Company’s revenue recognition policy and assessed its compliance in terms of Ind AS 115
                   “Revenue from contracts with customers”.

                   We  assessed  design  and  tested  the  operating  effectiveness  of  internal  controls  related  to  sales  and

                   We tested on a sample basis that revenue has been recognized in the proper period with reference to the
                   supporting documents including confirmations from customers.

                   From description given above, identify what auditors are trying to report and under what heading such
                   matter should be reflected in audit report of the company?"
          Answer  The above matter is in nature of Key audit matter and should be stated under heading “Key audit matters”
                   in audit report. Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, were of
                   most  significance  in the  audit  of  the financial  statements  of  the  current period. Key  audit  matters  are
                   selected from matters communicated with those charged with governance.

                   SA 701 states that the auditor shall determine, from the matters communicated with those charged with
                   governance, those matters that required significant auditor attention in performing the audit. In making this
                   determination,  significant  auditor  judgments  relating to  areas  in  the  financial  statements that  involved
                   significant management judgment including accounting estimates that have been identified as having high
                   estimation uncertainty be taken into account.

                   The above described matter relates to revenue recognition and creation of complexities requiring judgment
                   in revenues. Further, the description also describes how the matter was addressed by auditors by performing
                   various audit procedures in accordance with SA 701.

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