Page 164 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 164

Statement of Average Revenue Per Booking (ARPB) and Comparative
                   (in ₹ or otherwise stated)

                                 Total Bookings during FY
                                    - FY 2021-22                                        36500
                                    - FY 2022-23                                        39000
                                 Average Revenue per Booking
                                    - FY 2021-22 (Refer Note 28 Revenue from Operations)   3500
                                    - FY 2022-23 (Refer Note 28 Revenue from Operations)   4200
                                 Bookings Ratio (Organic source by Inorganic source
                                    - FY 2021-22                                        1:2
                                    - FY 2022-23                                        1:1.65

                   Kindly guide the audit team regarding the requirement of SA 700 with respect to the Supplementary
                   Information Presented with the Financial Statements.
          Answer  As per SA 700 “Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements”, if supplementary information
                   that is not required by the applicable financial reporting framework is presented with the audited financial
                   statements,  the  auditor  shall  evaluate  whether,  in  the  auditor’s  professional  judgment,  supplementary
                   information  is  nevertheless  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements  due  to  its  nature  or  how  it  is
                   presented. When it is an integral part of the financial statements, the supplementary information shall be
                   covered by the auditor’s opinion.

                   If supplementary information that is not required by the applicable financial reporting framework is not
                   considered an integral part of the audited financial statements, the auditor shall evaluate whether such
                   supplementary information is presented in a way that sufficiently and clearly differentiates it from the
                   audited financial statements. If this is not the case, then the auditor shall ask management to change how
                   the unaudited supplementary information is presented. If management refuses to do so, the auditor shall
                   identify  the  unaudited  supplementary  information  and  explain  in  the  auditor’s  report  that  such
                   supplementary information has not been audited.

                   The auditor’s evaluation of whether unaudited supplementary information is presented in a manner that
                   could be construed as being covered by the auditor’s opinion includes, for example, where that information
                   is presented in relation to the financial statements and any audited supplementary information and whether
                   it is clearly labelled as “unaudited.”

                   In the current case, the Statement of Average Revenue Per Booking (ARPB) and Comparative is unaudited
                   supplementary information that could be construed as being covered by the auditor’s opinion. Hence, the
                   audit team should evaluate whether such supplementary information is presented in a way that sufficiently
                   and  clearly  differentiates  it  from  the  audited  financial  statements.  If  not,  then  audit  can  suggest
                   management to change the presentation of unaudited supplementary information by:

                      -  Removing any cross-references from the financial statements to unaudited supplementary schedules
                        or  unaudited  notes  so  that  the  demarcation  between  the  audited  and  unaudited  information  is
                        sufficiently clear.
                      -  Placing the unaudited supplementary information outside of the financial statements or, if that is not
                        possible in the circumstances, at a minimum placing the unaudited notes together at the end of the
                        required notes to the financial statements and clearly labelling them as unaudited. Unaudited notes
                        that are intermingled with audited notes can be misinterpreted as being audited.

                   If the management of XYZ Limited refuses to do so, the auditor shall identify the unaudited supplementary
                   information,  i.e.,  Statement  of  ARPB  and  Comparative  and  explain  in  the  auditor’s  report  that  such
                   supplementary information has not been audited.

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