Page 17 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 17

An engagement partner is usually appointed to each audit engagement undertaken by the firm, to
                          take responsibility for the engagement on behalf of the firm. Assigning the audit to an experienced
                          audit manager is not sufficient. The lack of an audit engagement partner also means that several of
                          the requirements of SA 220 on “Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statement”, about ensuring
                          that engagements in relation to independence and directing, supervising and reviewing the audit are
                          not in place.

                       ➢  Conflicting Views / Difference of Opinion ---- There should be policy for dispute
                          resolution / EP supposed to resolve dispute using firm’s policy
                          SA 220 on “Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statement”, requires that the audit engagement
                          partner takes responsibility for setting disputes in accordance with the firm’s policy in respect of
                          resolution of difference of opinion required by SQC 1” Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits
                          and  Reviews  of  Historical  Financial  Information,  and  Other  Assurance  and  Related  Services

                   Part III --  Facts
                       ➢  EP not involved / Conflicting Views Exist / Refusal to Discuss

                          In this scenario the audit manager and senior have conflicting views about the valuation of inventory.
                          This does not appear to have been handled well, with the manager refusing to discuss the issue with
                          the senior.
                   Part IV -- Conclusion
                       ➢  Lack of EP involvement  / failure to resolve dispute / indicates no policy for dispute
                          / Non-Compliance of SQC 1 & SA 220
                          In this case, the lack of engagement partner may have contributed to this failure to resolve the
                          disputes. In any event, at best, the failure to resolve the difference of opinion is a breach of the firm’s
                          policy under SQC1. At worst, it indicates that the firm does not have a suitable policy concerning
                          such disputes required by SQC.1 “Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of
                          Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements”.

          QNO      Change in Engagement Partner to Review Work            Old Course - (N15R,PM17,M18M,M21M)
          5.000    TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                   M/s Suresh Chandra & Co. has been appointed as an auditor of SC Ltd. for the financial year 2014-15. CA
                   Suresh, one of the partners of M/s Suresh Chandra & Co., completed entire routine audit work by 29th
                   May 2015. Unfortunately, on the very next morning, while roving towards office of SC Ltd. to sign final
                   audit report, he met with a road accident and died. CA Chandra, another partner of M/s Suresh Chandra
                   & Co., therefore, signed the accounts of SC Ltd., without reviewing the work performed by CA Suresh.
                   State with reasons whether CA Chandra is right in expressing an opinion on financial statements the audit
                   of which is performed by another auditor.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  SA 220“Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements”
                       ▪  Basic Principle of Auditing on Delegation of Work
                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ➢  Takeover, New Partner Should Review Work Done
                          Whenever  there  is  takeover  of  assignment  by  new  engagement  partner,  new  partner  should
                          carefully review work of old engagement partner.

                       ➢  Review Procedures: -
                              •  1.Compliance  of  Law,  Regulations,  Prof  Standards  2.Significant  Matters
                                 Raised & Considered 3.Appropriate Consultations 4.Conclusions Documented
                                 5.Evidence  is  Sufficient  &  Appropriate  6.Objectives  Achieved  7.Need  to
                                 Revise NTE
                                     •  The  work  has  been  performed  in  accordance  with  professional  standards  and
                                         regulatory and legal requirements;(E.g., Sec 143 / IRDA Regulations / SAs)

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