Page 13 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 13

7. Whether working papers selected for review reflect the work performed in relation to the significant
                   judgments and support the conclusions reached.
                   8. The appropriateness of the report to be issued.
                   Engagement quality control reviews for engagements other than audits of financial statements of listed
                   entities may, depending on the circumstances, include some or all of these considerations.

           QNO     Appropriateness of EQCR Reviewer                                         Old Course – (N23M)
           127.660  TITANIUM CNO-- SQC.340
                   CA Ragini is offered appointment to act as Engagement Quality Control Reviewer (EQCR) for the audit of
                   financial year 2022-23 of XPM Limited, a listed company operating from a small town. She is also based in
                   the  same town  and was  not  engaged  previously to  conduct  audit  of  a  listed  entity.  She  accepts  the
                   appointment to act as EQCR. She performs the review by ticking a “Yes / No” checklist and signing on some
                   of working papers prepared by engagement team. The audit file does not contain any material which
                   shows that the work of EQCR is separate from the work of the engagement team. Do you agree with the
                   approach adopted by EQCR? By commenting on issues involved in the above situation, discuss whether
                   she can be held guilty of professional misconduct.
           Answer  SA 330 states that irrespective of the assessed risk of material misstatement, the auditor shall design and
                   perform substantive procedures for each material class of transactions, account balance and disclosure. In

                   the given situation, the auditor has assessed the risk of material misstatement to be low. However, despite
                   such assessment, substantive procedures have to be performed.

                   SA 330 further states that the auditor shall consider whether external confirmation procedures are to be
                   performed as substantive audit procedures. External confirmation procedures frequently are relevant when
                   addressing assertions associated with account balances and their elements but need not be restricted to
                   these  items.  For  example,  the  auditor  may  request  external  confirmation  of  the  terms  of  agreements,
                   contracts, or transactions between an entity and other parties.

                   Despite the low assessed risk of material misstatement, substantive procedures have to be performed due
                   to the following reasons: -

                      (i)   The  auditor’s  assessment  of  risk  is  judgmental  and  so  may  not  identify  all  risks  of  material
                          misstatement and
                      (ii)  there are inherent limitations to internal control, including management override.

                   It is also in accordance with the spirit of professional skepticism. Therefore, as discussed above, the approach
                   of CA Y is in accordance with Standards on Auditing.

           QNO     Assembly of Audit File                                                  New Course – (SM23)
           127.675  TITANIUM CNO-- SQC.380

                   Ramanujan, a CA final student, feels that engagement file in audit engagement should be ready prior to
                   issue of audit report. Discuss whether Ramanujan’s view is in order

                   1. SQC 1: Reference to SQC 1, its full name & its requirement have Quality Control System.
                   2. Concept: CNO SQC.380 Engagement Documentation (Explain Engagement document Completion point)
                     Engagement Completion and Report Handling: The firm should establish policies for engagement
                     teams to finalize engagement files promptly, within 60 days after the auditor’s report for audit
                     engagements. If multiple reports are issued for the same subject matter, each report should be treated
                     as a separate engagement for final file assembly.
                     Documentation Security: Policies should ensure the confidentiality, safe storage, integrity, accessibility,
                     and retrievability of engagement documentation.
                     Documentation Retention: Engagement documentation should be retained long enough to evaluate
                     the firm’s compliance with its quality control system, or longer if required by law or regulation.
                     Specifically for audit engagements, the retention period is typically no less than seven years from the
                     date of the auditor’s report, or if later, the date of the group auditor’s report..                                                      PARAM                               1.6 | P a g e
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